Dual-wielding 2-H

I just started leveling a new alt. She is a fury warrior, and I also have another fury who is level 50. For some reason, this new alt can’t dual-wield 2-handers like my level 50 can. Is this a level thing?

I checked under her weapon skills in the abilities she has, and it’s listed there but somehow I can’t actually equip two of them. I’m wondering if anyone has any insight on why this is? Am I totally missing something here?

Fury doesn’t get Titan’s Grip until 14 now.


Oh I did not know that, I appreciate the reply. Thank you so much! I was trying to equip multiple different weapons to see if I was going crazy lol

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Ooo yeah. Titans grip is meaty. Welcome to the warrior. Hope you enjoy yourself :slight_smile:


Thank you! I can finally take a punch to the face and not be beaten to death with this warrior lol

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I’m not sure how I feel about this.

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here is a question, I’ve always had titans grip when playing my warrior and never go around to dual wielding one handers, is there a considerable dps difference between 2h and 1h?

No, there is not.

I will let all of you know; if you’re hoping to get 2h weapons to drop, and have 0 intention of ever wielding 1h such as myself, HEED MY WARNING: Set your loot specialization to ARMS. I just yesterday beat Nathanos with my warrior for the first time, and first time generally is a weapon…I was in Fury spec, thinking sure, easy 115 2h…I got a crappy 1h.

Screw Single-minded fury taking over our loot tables man. Not very happy. Oh well. Lesson learned.

Thanks! have fury warrior at 11 and was wondering about this…