Dual wield survival

With the timeways event I’ve been leveling many toons just as everyone else has and as I’ve been playing my hunter I recently noticed that none of my abilities as survival say requires a 2h anymore. Also there is one talent on the tree that actually references if using a 2h auto attacks it will reduce the cool down of wildfire bome by 1 sec per attack.

Has anyone noticed or tried using 2 1hs as an experiment. I haven’t had a chance but I was curious if anyone else saw this and tried? All the range abilities say requires a range weapon and all.


I feel like BM would be cool with a dual wield survival spec like Rex


If BM could also play as a melee hunter I only play BM. I play SV, but it still doesn’t feel Hunter enough, and BM is only three abilities away from melee, Barbed Shot, Cobra Shot, and Multi-Shot, those could be switched around with Lacerate, Raptor Strike, and Butchery.

Just have talents that give two options for each of those abilities.


I always thought it’d be cool if it was an option like FDK. in my head 2h sv would focus on huge mongoose bites/flanking strikes/butcheries and DW SV would focus on WFB/serpent sting/bleeds

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I like that idea, maybe add some cd reduction with dw for wildfire bomb or cd resets like how rime makes HB free.

I feel like we could easily just retain and translate the lunge CDR (1 sec off WFB CD per auto attack) and retain frenzied strikes (1 second CDR per target hit carve/butchery)

Surv spec is about feeling like Rambo…thats about it

it still pops up saying “requires 2hd” as soon as you unequip a 2hd weapon.

Mongoose Bite, CA, carve and funnily enough explosive and kill shot all require 2hand weapons

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I always heard the argument that making survival able to dual-wield will just bloat the already stacked group of classes that have this ability: Demon HHunters, Shamans, Rogue, Feral Druids, and Monks. I have a big problem with this and is that feral does not use his weapons to attack since they are in cat form, and monks only use their weapons if they are using fist weapons. The hunter is supposed to be a versatile class, able to use the environment and all sorts of weapons/resources to survive (LoL) and attack. It is pre nonsense that we can’t dual wield swords, axes and daggers.

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Feral Druid doesn’t dual wield, they use 2hers

The Fangs of Ashamane artifact weapon are two daggers if I remember correctly. I guess two-handed is their thing.

yes, that was the only time they ever had a dual-wield option and since then it’s been 2h

Not being able to dual wield is one of the main reasons I’ve never bothered to touch Survival. As a roleplayer, I’m always in favor of changes that help improve class fantasy. :slight_smile: If they’re so worried about the balance issues of adding another class to the 1h weapon loot rolls, then at least they ought to look into just making weapons mogs entirely cosmetic. Sure, make it so I have to wield a 2h–but separate the cosmetic aspect so it can just look like I’m using two 1h weapons. It’d require some tweaking of animation speeds/etc, but at the end of the day I don’t think it’s an impossible feat.

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Dark ranger will be sv and will give them dual wield. Every dark ranger in game is dual wielding


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Sorry to break it to you, but 100% Sentinel (glaives, hopefully dual wielded) and pack master will be the SV hero specs. No way will dark ranger be SV.

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Probably‎ ‎

this is the sole reason SOD has captured me

godamn, melee hunter is fun

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