I realize dual wield is not the intent with this change and it’s just an unintended consequence of a changes they’re working on, and it will be changed, but it’s clear from the comments, and many, many threads here over the years that people, myself included, would really like to dual wield as a Survival hunter. I mean, even Rexxar does it.
At the very least, Blizz, don’t take away Survival’s ability to duel wield as a “fix” for this change.
“HUNTER! You will want every single weapon, in the entire freakin’ game.
You don’t need anything but your pet. Send him in, scatter shot, and then feign death.”
And Rexxar is a BM Hunter… which kinda furthers the point between that, every MM Hunter we’ve seen ever reverting to a pair of daggers/glaives, etc that all Hunters in general just need the ability to choose between melee and ranged.
Survival should be a tank capable of dual wielding or using 2H. Or, a DPS capable of dual-wielding with some abilities being tied to bow/gun. Better yet, make BM the tank spec, MM can stay DPS, and survival can be a healer akin to SWG’s combat medic, lobbing salves around. Or all three can stay DPS, but DUAL WIELD FFS. I’ve been bitter about them taking away dual wield for a long time. Being able to do it again wouldn’t fix everything, but it would be something.
They already funnel items to specific classes based on primary stats on them, so “hunter weapon” whining from the old days shouldn’t be a thing any more.
Heh I remember rocking two agi daggers on my TBC hunter and it being a thing. I say bring it on, though currently they seem to think the only thing survival will like is a polearm.
Yes I’m aware of “hunters need everything” but independently of that I’d say dual wield makes fine historical sense.
Rexxar transcends specs, much like Thrall who gets to be Enhancement and Elemental at the same time.
That said, every time he has appeared after WoD has classified him as primarily Survival, and he’s literally the poster boy for the spec at this point. Think the gap between them has also shrunk somewhat with DF’s reworks, since Survival technically has access to Stampede now (shame it’s doodoo compared to Chakram though).
Yeah I’m never taking stampede, I’m just glad they finally reversed the design decision to keep old Stampede from MoP gone.
If SV got dual wielding AND AC/CotW I would absolutely switch to SV, though I don’t see it happening since there’s already too much SV and BM overlap.
Speaking of overlap and major characters transcending specs, why are we still bound to them? I think both in-game mechanics and even out of game cinematics and events have kinda shown we’re a bit above the major NPCs by this point.
Both? I dunno. I think the point I was making is there’s potential for a great deal more than what currently exists. And I’m generally not a fan of spec choices simply being DPS/DPS/DPS. What is “terrible” about versatility? What is terrible about a hunter, beast at his side, dual wielding axes and tanking? I get the pseudo combat medic concept is a stretch, but so much more potential for the class than what’s offered now.
And why ask me about a post I made (how long ago?) when I’m two gold margaritas deep on a Saturday night? Shame on you.
Hardly anyone showed up to play melee SV. What makes you think they would countenance a tank or healer spec?
Yes, Hunters broadly want to play ranged DPS. Congratulations on being an exception, but there’s a reason you’re posting from a Warrior and not a Hunter. Your priorities aren’t aligned with the average Hunter.