Dual Tanking?

I hear your point about pressure on mana. But isn’t that what is happening anyway whenever dps pull aggro from the tank? I mean tanks need rage to hit cleave, etc, and also to use Demo Shout, etc. But if aggro is pulled, the dps now take the damage, reducing the tank’s rage-gaining ability and also now requiring more heals?

I say this only because in 2008 and before I feel like dps held back longer before engaging in battles. Still, dps tell me that gets pretty boring pretty quick.

(I was a Rogue and a Priest in 2008, not a Tank)

Yes it happens sometimes, but what you are suggesting is it happening 100% of the time.

As a priest I keep runs smooth by abusing the 5 second rule. When one tank is holding proper threat, I can use my greater heal every 5 seconds to heal them up and we have no downtime, or at least very little. If a dps holds threat I can toss a shield at them along with some small heals and it has a minor effect on my mana.

Throw a second tank into the mix and that all goes to hell. I can’t abuse the 5 second rule at all. And the dps scenario can still happen, meaning I now have a third target to heal. Dps already have lowered heal priority meaning now both tanks have to be in solid shape for me to throw them any heals. Aka if dps pulls aggro they most likely are going to die…

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Problems are numerous here.

Dual tanks can place undue pressure on healers, cause mobs to take longer to die thus increasing time required to clear, introduce increased competition for loot drops…just to mention a few.

This isn’t Refail, in Classic fast efficient runs are done using crowd control, focusing targets and pulling mobs carefully but at a consistent pace.

It was why dungeons were done like this for years in Vanilla and why it will remain in Classic. Don’t be the guy who tries to force the Refail meta on the game, be the guy who learns why Refail sucks.


@Faythe and @Longburn - I think your points are right and help me. I am Classic and not Retail for sure. I leveled my first tank toon in Retail , a human warrior , during the week before Classic dropped. Had not played since Cata (rogue, priest, not a tank ever)

In retail I went from lvl 0 to 47 in just about 28 hours ( a bit more as I looked at some sites). Almost no deaths anywhere. No deaths at all in any dungeon right up through SM Cath.

Explored Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge. No deaths, Solo.

Here, many deaths trying to level a warrior at all. Made it through most dungeons from RFC to SM Arm with about 10 wipes and about 10 other deaths - all due to too many mobs getting into the fight chaotically.

Much prefer Classic ANYWAY, because it takes skill and patience etc.

Still, folks in pugs often just want it faster faster faster

Guess I better just say no, lol. TY (and learn to tank better, too!)