Dual Spec unlock on anniversary HC realm

Has anyone found it yet, or any details on when it might come out and where?

No, Blizzard will release more information soon. As of right now it’s not in-game and on the “inprogress” to be added to the game table.

At best its probably going to be late first quarter in P2 or P3, as even though its on SOD, they will have to make it work both with Classic (Fresh) as well as it will have to work with TBC (Fresh) when it launches late next year, and testing simply takes time. The timeline would also depend on if they put any limitations around it like putting it on a 24 hour cooldown, or requiring a reagent.

i heard it was going to be very restrictive, i.e. you can change between specs only at a trainer :expressionless:

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That’s the way it started out back in original Wrath.
Keeping it classic!