Dual Spec price speculation

Since it’s confirmed it’s going to be a gold sink. How much do you think dual spec will be ? 100g? 500g? 1000+ ?

/10 Char

Seeing as you can trade your void trinket for 75g. I would expect in the range of 100g-250g.

Wait, I thought they said dual spec was NOT coming??? I havent had a chance to watch the interview, did they officially say it is coming?

Not coming in phase 2 they said. They added it may come in a later phase.

This is in regards to:

So not confirmed. They just can’t make up their minds lol

1000g as it was originally.

Its not. This thread is just speculation

They want us to know it is coming but they don’t want to announce it yet. Wink wink nudge nudge seemingly.

Heavily implied its coming at a later phase.

And my guess is 500g

1000g is still absurd in Classic prices.
Yet, I wouldn’t complain. It’s a luxury, not a necessity.