Dual spec please

You’re right, they will add dual spec, in WRATH.

I’m sorry but you’ve yet to ever give good reasons for why your proposed changes should happen, except for, of course, “I personally would fine it fun.”

This is why your AV changes also weren’t considered in Classic. :confused:


You make two straight up false assertions and pretend that’s discussion?

  1. Assertion: Blizzard supports dual spec and the onus is on you to prove it would be bad.

Um no. If they supported it it would be in the game. At best they may be considering it. And no the onus isn’t on me to prove it would be bad for the game. In fact that’s not even my position. I’m simply arguing that I don’t accept the arguments given so far as to why you think it would be good for the game.

I think it does very little benefit to the game and will possibly erode the RP value of choosing a character path. I doubt it will have the impact you claim it will have. By the way, there’s a reason in that comment, one of many I have already provided. I’m not strongly opposed to the feature, I’m just not for it, but there are reasons why I have misgivings and I have clearly given those reasons (and you know it).

  1. Assertion: You fall back on #nochanges.

Um no. I simply don’t make that argument and never have. All I claim is that changes should be well justified and fit the overall design direction of the game.

Two assertions that you literally make up to create a completely incorrect impression of the claims I’m making.

My claim is that you need to provide a reason why the game should change in this specific regard (I’ve accepted other changes as justified). That’s it and that’s the extent of my claim.

The onus is in fact on you to satisfy my doubts about your claims. You’re the one selling something. I’m simply saying I don’t want to buy what you’re selling at this stage.


That is a lot words not saying why dual spec would actually be bad in TBC Classic.

Do you have any actual reasons not to add dual spec?

“Give me reasons you never give reasons!!!”

“Oh that’s a lot of words”

Try reading the words dude.

Hint, why is the onus on me to provide reasons why dual spec will be bad for the game when I don’t even argue that?

My argument is there’s no benefit for adding it. It won’t make the game better.

You’re whole tactic is to misrepresent the position of those against you to frame the discussion as something it really isn’t.

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That it won’t improve the gameplay for you doesn’t mean it others would not enjoy dual spec.

Not sure why that confuses you.

Sure. But it also doesn’t motivate me to support your position. And the benefits you claim it will bring I don’t think are well justified.

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but “improving gameplay” isn’t the sole heuristic for which additions/changes to the game are considered. There’s still that niggling “authentic to TBC” condition that has an influence on what is appropriate or not for an authentic TBC experience as well.


I’m not confused.

Not supporting dual spec being added is different then actively trying to state it would be bad to add it.

And again that’s ignoring all the people who have explained exactly how dual spec would help them.

I know that, you just refuse to say #nochanges.

If you were 100% perfect in every one of your posts you would have the standing to make that comment. But while not the worst person here you’re often guilty of the same things you complain about in others.

Yet you also ask us to repeat our arguments when you could use the search too. /shrug

You mean if you and three others didn’t spend the last 3 months trashing me and lying about me. Yeah sure, maybe then.

Doesn’t bother me though. I know you know that I know you’re a complete fraud. That works for me.

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Keep lying.

Once again all your “questions” exposed as traps.


He won’t stop, better to just make a mockery of it.

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I have never lied about you. Every negative statement has been backed up by quotes and evidence.

In the end I’m sure it doesn’t. We’re all strangers here. I don’t care at all what a complete stranger thinks of me. I guess you don’t either.

And you know exactly what I think of you. /shrug. Now we know that we each think the other is a worthless piece of.

All you have to do is explain an actual in game reason dual spec would be bad.

You refuse to do so.

The only reason we keep copping it is we keep throwing it back. Others leave, which is what they want, dissenting views to be bullied out of the thread or trashed and discredited.

I’m cool with that, my ego isn’t tied to “forum rep”.

“They” being two specific people, their used to be four of the but the other two seemed to have gotten bored. Can’t blame them.

It’s not a position I’m arguing. You pretend it is because you’re setting up a straw man. It’s a trap question.

So your position is actually that dual spec being added has no down sides? And you just don’t care on way or the other?

I don’t care what you and others think. I have no desire to convince you of anything. I’m posting because the devs asked for players to give them feedback on the changes they wanted when they said BC was going to be different to vanilla classic and not no changes. They added some changes from the beginning, said more changes would be coming, and they have continued to add changes.

Patrick Dawson: “No changes” being our guiding principle for WoW Classic made it very easy to make decisions on it. We just went to the reference client and went to that. But one thing we learned as we went through the release of the content in Classic is that [no changes] may not always be in the best interest of the players. Putting back in things like spell batching made the game feel a little less crisp. It was authentic, but it’s not what modern players want. The community today is so different from what the community was back in 2007 that it had us take a different philosophy with Burning Crusade, where we actually started to allow ourselves to make some changes that were in the best interests of the players that will continue to develop alongside the community.