Dual spec please

Wanna repeat yourself a third time?

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Seems to be doing that to a lot of folks.

He’s about to do it again…

It’s OK, logic proves your reason for wanting dual spec boils down to you wanting to not spend gold. Even if you can’t understand that because you are to wrapped up in emotions to understand why you feel the way you do.

I showed you an option that gives you saved talent and hot bars, which is what you said you wanted for switching between disk and Shadow. You said no to it. That just proves it boils down to gold. Maybe one day you will be able to understand your feelings by looking at them with logic to understand why you feel that way.

And having me repeat myself just shows how dance your skull is at refusing to understand logic.

Repeat yourself a fourth time.

After you do that, I’ll ask you a fifth time. Gonna keep doing that and see how far we get.

I wonder if he’s finally done, or maybe he’ll repeat himself again and expect different results.

Gonna predict he can’t help himself and just reply to this even though I’ve made myself plainly clear several times.

Just watch him do it…

My favorite one was when we had multiple people in here saying if they were relieved of the 100g cost to spec tank and back, they would do so.

Anti dual-speccers’ responses?

  • Anyone who says this is lying
  • Anyone who says this is the same person on an alt (despite the posters in some cases being geared and max level in different regions, e.g. I am on Oceania and they’re on East Coast)
  • Dual spec doesn’t COMPLETELY 100% fix the tank shortage so its not worth doing.
  • Anyone who makes a solid argument they have no counter for (which is often) gets ignored

It’s the most degenerate way of arguing a subject I’ve ever seen.


Funny how I can’t even do something as simple as say I agree with the OP without some guy turning it into a dragon he needs to fight.

You can ask, but it’s not likely to happen. No matter how many threads. Scheduled for release of the Wrath pre-patch. Which they haven’t even announced. Don’t hold your breath on dual-spec. at least a year. This company doesn’t listen that well anymore. Granted there’s a lot of ‘noise’ of complaints – but dual spec probably would be a improvement right now.

The reason they have to do this is because the only true argument they have which is no #nochanges is one blizzard doesn’t care about in terms of TBC Classic.

There have been a few honest people who just stick to #nochanges but a lot of them have to fall back on wild lies and fabrications with a healthy dose of fear mongering because they have nothing else.

You have to ask yourself why do you want dual spec.

Is it for the convenience of not having to put talent points in and set up action bars every time you change spec?

Or is it because you don’t want to pay the 50g every time.

Because if it’s the first, you have that option already with the addon talented. Yet if you refuse to use that, you just show the reason you want dual spec is gold.

And no, it doesn’t fix the tank shortage, we still had a tank shortage in wrath, still have it in retail even after a dozen other changes designed to “fix” the tank shortage.

Anyway I’m done arguing with the idiots here who want to pretent the issue isn’t the gold cost that has them wanting dual spec, enjoy your echo chamber.

“My gold bro”

LoL and you still fail to understand why people want dual spec.

A better question is why don’t you want others to have dual spec given it’s an optional feature that you can simply not use. That’s the more revealing question about you.

boiling down dual spec and why we want it to two points simplifies this whole argument, but one is not exclusive of the other.

I personally do not like having to redo the talent points and adjust the action bars every time, but as stated, you can have an addon do this. So yes, I can use this addon, and this alleviates this issue. But any #nochanges point that is 100% sorted by just using an addon isn’t really a hill to die on for anyone. anyone that wants dual spec, would take it minus that part of it, even if it was just the 1000g to make it free, and to have the addon sort your bars and reset the talent points every time. This make this entire point essentially mute. But in the grand scheme of things, I’d rather have the functionality built in than done by an addon.

All we’re really left with is the gold cost. Yes I’d prefer to pay 1000g up front even if it’s highly unlikely i will need to respec more than 20 times on most of my toons between now and when wrath drops.

But you could easily get around even needing dual spec if the cost was just adjusted slightly. There are so many ways to do this.

option 1: You could cap it out at a lower amount, somewhere in the range of of 25-30g.

option 2: You could leave the cap as is (or even increase it!) but have the costs escalate and depreciate much more quickly. (I don’t think i’ve ever seen an accurate statement from blizzard on how this amount currently depreciates, reports i’ve seen have shown this to be wildly inconsistent.) Anyways, this could make it so that as long as you only respec 2x per week, it stays really low, like in the 10-20g range, but if some sweaty min/max guild tries to have people swapping specs mid raid it will quickly balloon to max.

option 3: you could do away with the escalating and depreciating costs, and simply make it cost 10g for your first respec every day (or 2-3 days) and every respec after that costs 50-100g.

option 4: instead of paying 10 or 25 or 50g every respec, you just pay 1000g and you’re free to swap.

as much as i would accept the ANY of these options over what we have now, blizzard went with option 4. it took them two expansions but blizzard already sorted this out by adding dual spec.

i do not remember this being an advertised feature of wrath, but i may be mistaken. i think it came out a bit into wrath. i played when it came out, and from what i experienced, everyone was very, very happy about this.

i don’t see why we need to make a huge #nochanges point on this. very little is changing. I’d be happy if they introduced it like they did same faction BGs, just turn it on for a week or two, see if the community likes it, see if it decreases down time. (same as waiting for a bg queue, waiting to fill a group because missing a role) i think it would improve things, and if not, turn it off. If everyone is happier, they could decisively lock it behind the 1000g to activate it.

Because I enjoy unlocking things on my character to become increasingly more powerful.

It’s OK one how exactly does traveling to a trainer paying gold up is your pain gold affect your choice every single time you act like respecting as this Marvelous experience.

When we all know it’s not I know it’s not an argument in circles You just see it differently you see it Is the lack of dual spec the add of this amazing aspect to the game when quite frankly all it is as annoying.

dual spec allows freedom of choice reasonable choice And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Is this idea that Is dual spec would destroy the very core of tbcc is quite frankly silly On top of that I would make an argument.

Is if the biggest worry is people respecting during dungeons and raids I would say this Just make it so you can’t respect indulgence and rades save that part of it for wrath.

Is there’s nothing wrong with people beyond a respect in the open world there’s no problems with that.

Heaven forbid people have a little bit easier time jumping in to PVP or trying something different There is nothing wrong with that.

let people have access to their offs Speck So again I say #DullSpeck.

Although dual spec could provide a good experience for us in TBC, but I don’t think blz could update it, because the dual spec never released before WLK in the past(except China, Chinese players used 3.13 wlk spec played TBC version for 2 years.), so they have no idea about adjustment for the bug, they cannot modify them in TBC version, the ancient data cannot be found, it’s just like totally new design, they don’t know how to balance them between the classes and gear, lmao. Moreover, Dual Spec as a most attraction in WLK, they will rely on it to attract more players keep playing the game, they focused on the profit only rather good experience, if you want to humanized some system, a lot of “TOP PLAYER” will tell you the IMPORTANCE OF THE CLASSICAL and then drive you away to retail.

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Private severs don’t seem to have a problem with it. If some dudes can implement Dual Spec sitting at home in their PJs, why can’t Blizzard?

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And then you pick new ones… Effectively “Changing” your spec.

Shhh, they want their echo chamber.

I thought they were using the same/similar client that Retail uses now—wouldn’t that make it do-able?

I could be wrong, just a thought tho.

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That’s not Dual Spec though.

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