And this is called “bogus rhetoric” and “pseudoanalysis,” a typical maneuver when someone has no arguments left.
What’s hilarious is that you can already respec for 50g, no change necessary
Retail wahhhh wahhh give me what I want wahhh the playerbase wants it I am their prophet wahhhh
Alliance didnt need SoB they did just fine in Original TBC without it.
But to hear alliance it was (cough cough …B-------) all about “faction imbalance”
Which you claim will improve the tank/healer shortage, while at the same time wanting everyone who doesn’t completely agree with you to quit.
You know what version of WoW doesn’t have people that want to play TBC classic without all the retail stuff?
I didn’t ask for SoB nor do I care, what you are proposing impacts everyone, SoB impacts one of the least popular specs in the game.
Alliance players have whinged about it for years,they got the change they wanted and now everything is on the table
Dual Spec is nothing other than a total good.
You are also not necessary and yet you exist… And some of us (if not most) don’t know what to do with you - should we eliminate you because of that? Or should we be human enough to put our selfishness aside and say, “Well, as long as he doesn’t get on my nerves too much, let him exist for my sake…”.
You can see it the same way with Dual Spec. You may not know what to do with it, but many other people do. And since Dual Spec doesn’t harm you, there’s no reason to be against it!
If the 50 gold respec cost is too high, use your amazing tanking or healing skill to earn gold so you can switch back and forth.
You are providing a service to the community by tanking or healing and helping the dps get groups, and that is worth gold.
If you feel bad about just asking for gold, you can stipulate that you get the rep items from the dungeon, or all the green items to disenchant or sell.
But I suspect the other reason for people wanting dual spec is not to help the greater game, or make it better. They just don’t want to waste time making gold to switch between pve dps and pvp dps. TBC classic might not be the game they want.
I’m not sure why that’s a bad thing to figure out, that you don’t like the way a game is designed.
I don’t know why people don’t play a game better suited to them. There are a lot of people playing TBC classic just fine and enjoying it just fine.
They didn’t ask for, or need any of the changes already stuck in to appease the wrong player base for the game.
Nahhh dog, I existed in actual tbc, and before it. Farm the gold or don’t respec. I fundamentally disagree with your ideas and I will continue to vote against them given the opportunity. The best part is… the game justifies my opinion… because it’s already the way I want it to be!
Enjoy the game now, we will have these kinds of changes in the future
absolute state of dual spec babies
Absolute state of Alliance #changeonlyforus Babies.
You are honestly the last person who should be advocating for any issue on here as you just degrade any semblance of an argument down to the level of an angry middle schooler
This has nothing to do with TBC or WoW and this is pretty messed up.
Why are you here then instead of enjoying yourself ingame, where we can gank you for your disgusting personality?
No answer needed obviously, as you and your thinking is as unwanted for me, as dual spec is for you!
so then why are you asking for it…?
Because I’m working from home and my job requires constant attention to the point that I can’t actually play @10:48 CST on a Tuesday, but my love for the game is so intense that I like to browse the forums and contribute!
Because, and any 4 years old would get that answer since it’s so logically, I and many others want it!
Just because people want something doesn’t mean it has to be implemented, just because people want something doesn’t mean it’s good!
Gee thanks for the advice…you wont mind if i totally ignore it and advocate for dual spec and Merc mode while pointing out Alliance logical consistencies anways lol