Dual Spec.. please?

It’s not the amount of advantage dual spec gives over world buffs, it’s the principle. Playing in optimal spec for specific encounters or trash packs gives a clear advantage over playing in non optimal spec. People that want dual spec for PvP argue that being in an optimal PvP spec gives a clear advantage over being in a hybrid or PvE spec, so the same must be true for PvE.

For example I’ve read that a hemorrhage spec is better for rogues during trash fights due to the faster kill times of mobs, but the default combat sword spec is better overall for bosses. So if dual spec were in the game rogues would be able to swap back and forth between the hemo spec and the boss spec over and over again throughout the raid, further min/maxing performance. Currently trying to do this would involve so much time and coordination that the value from swapping specs would be negated by the time it takes. Porting out and swapping specs for trash is never worth the time it takes, the trash will always just die faster if you stayed and helped, and even if you did swap for trash you’d have to do it all over again once you get to the next boss. Sure there may be cases where one or two players slip out to respec while the rest of the raid kills trash, but I’m talking about 10-15 players swapping specs.

I’m not saying that guilds are going to make dual spec for things like trash packs or individual bosses required from everyone. But I think that giving individual players the option to do so will encourage more and more uses for dual spec swaps to be theory-crafted and will lead to even more min/maxing than we see now. The gap between the top parsing players will widen and dual spec swapping will become more or less mandatory if you want to push for 99 parses or top performance ranks. I understand that not all players have the mindset, but while adding in WoTLK dual spec makes the game more convenient and less annoying for you it makes the game less convenient and more annoying for others.

If you want to put a cooldown on swapping specs or restrict the usage to major cities/rested areas then OK that works for me. That solves the problem almost instantly and if players support that then I’m all for it. But without some sort of modification to it I can almost promise you that you’ll see more than just the sweatiest guilds on your server using dual spec for raiding. The players you’ll see using dual spec swaps are the players you see with gnomish battle chickens, or the players you see using flame caps or other niche consumables. Over time it’ll become another thing the top performing players will just do, and if you want a chance at competing with them you’ll have to do it as well.


You are using logic here.

The pro dual spec clowns won’t like that, they won’t like that at all.

I think that they just don’t either don’t realize the extent that dual spec swapping could have in raids, or that they do realize the extent but just view the positives of dual spec as being of higher value, and that’s a totally valid view. Not all players care about min/maxing because there are so many other ways to play the game, and players should play the way that they want to play. So I’m not saying that their views are wrong or that dual spec has no place in TBC, but I don’t like seeing people downplay the potential side effects and abuse that copy/pasting WoTLK dual spec into TBCC could bring.

It seems that people are (contrary to my initial belief) in fact in support of a modified version of dual spec, so if we can just nail down the parameters I think we could be close to a solution that leaves everyone satisfied.

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Good, I expect a post tomorrow and the next day of you saying…well, whatever it is you say? :laughing: Sorry, I don’t actually read what you say, but that’s not important. Just wanna keep bumping the thread.

Here’s my ideal dual spec modification:

  1. You must be in a rested area where a trainer for your class inhabits the zone you are resting in.
  2. It asks of you an increasing gold amount each time it is used, that goes up by increments of 5 until a cap of 50g, and reduces by 5g once a month when not used.

I just wanna point out here that, once again, Zipzo has said things like…



And now he is proposing his “ideal” dual spec modification.

Once again, showing the leveling of inconsistency and self-contradiction people like him and Riger engage in regularly.

I don’t think he or Riger even remembers the last things they post. They have goldfish memory. There’s absolutely no tenable logic to what they say. They don’t want Dual Spec so badly they’ll continually contradict any principle they’ve stated previously as to why they don’t want it.

It boggles the mind.

You may want to finish reading his ideal dual spec lol.

I know you have trouble reading that much though.


#somechanges :sweat_smile:

Whatever do you mean, he really got me, I should really pay more attention!



Not much else he can do at this point.

Winners never quit, quitters never win, but someone who never wins and never quit is a moron.

Guess what? You ain’t quitting and you ain’t winning.

Lol, bro. How many blue posts have you seen respond to players outside of bug fixes.

Now, now, don’t destroy their hopes, I mean they’ve done a good job convincing themselves (because they sure as hell ain’t convincing anyone) that dual spec is coming!

You mean like all the back and forth discussion there was before blizzard announced same faction BG’s?

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One it’s not overtellets over 2 Even if they never do end up in Putting it in I can say at least I did something and tried.

Sorry my previous edit was unnecessarily rude.

No, I don’t find that similar at all. In fact, I don’t really believe that forum posts were the contributing factor. Blizzard has their own data to analyse significant problems.

That being said. I’ll never understand why they allow realms and factions to die after nearly 2 decades of experience.

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We have a blue post stating multi spec won’t be in tbc.

And seeing as dual spec is a form of multi spec and tbc is what tbcc is based off of…

We literally don’t have a post one or the other in regards to TBC Classic, so no.

What they have explicitly said and acted on is that changes are 100% on board for TBC Classic… so.

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There was a blue post when they banned multiboxer software and another a couple of months later when they banned multiboxer hardware. There was a blue post when they changed the pally seal and when they nerfed drums. There was a blue post about HvH BG’s.

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Doesn’t this support my point.

A design choice before TBC launch. Notice how they decided to leave DS out of this expac.

But that doesn’t mean ALL changes must be made.

And seeing as dual spec goes directly against the design goals and intents of the origional game that tbcc is based off of…