Dual Spec on Classic Era as well

I would very much like a dual spec feature on classic era and instant mail feature! This will enhance my wow classic era experience.


classic era is a time capsule. its not meant for changes. play fresh if you want dual spec




Good idea. Would probably ramp up numbers on era aswell. The game is dying so why not try to improve their QoL a little :slight_smile:


Even if it was a time capsule, Dual spec adds to my quality of life experience on Classic Era and I would very much want that. You do not speak for me.


thats cool bro, you arent the emperor of era tho so noone cares

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He doesnt speak for anyone. Screamed about gdkps - they got banned.

Screamed about no dual spec - they got added.

L after L

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Yes, because you are the emperor of era.

I am a citizen of Classic Era and I have been playing here since launch. Why is an outcast gnome from Defias Pillager rambling like a lunatic on a classic era issue?

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Sounds like a great QoL feature. Would certainly make me play my era toons again

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Lets get this in the works

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Era is a time capsule. play frehs if you want dual spec. or sod. dont be a freak whos scared to not have his pixels

stop posting on your alts with 1 post. you arent fooling any1

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Let us who actually play Era decide

  • if the servers are dying ~ they are not.
    • whether we want SoD/Fresh changes ~ we do not.
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Yeah it sucks as a warrior having to have a tank spec and a fury spec. 100g every week just isnt achievable for a non gdkper

Personally, I think Era should stay free of QoL changes. Like, yeah, send it on new F R E S H servers and Classic+. But I think there needs to be at least one version of the game catered to the people who are happy with Classic as it currently is.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to box people out of that original version of the game and push those players onto sketchy private servers.


You think this level 60 druid is my alt? :joy: It is not, gnome.

Classic Era is Vanilla that has content up until phase 6, that is all. Quality of life improvements that add to the vanilla experience like Chronoboon are in the game so I don’t have to log out and save my world buffs stopping me from pvping.

Dual spec adds to my pve and pvp experience and it has my vote.

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Cool, start a poll for era players.

youll lose tho. youre just a freak

News flash era isnt original

Being a bit silly now…

Ive already done a couple polls on reddit and discord.

Overwhelmingly in support of dual spec in era


I don’t have to. Look at community sites including this forum to see how many people would love dual spec.

Some might say a level 18 gnome warrior coming from a non-classic era realm is like an uknown person of unknown origin with questionable on-hand agenda and baggage trying to enter into the United States from Somalia or Libya.

Thorough screenings are sometimes necessary to ensure the right people are in the right place at the right time and where they truly belong. :face_with_monocle: