Dual Spec Middle Ground

No, because of Blizzards refusal to make more drastic changes. If you actually pay attention to twitter and the top PvPers, they WANT the system changed MORE. Not reverted back to the TBC system.

  • They want teams to be cosmetic only. They want to be able to play with whoever they want without being punished when leaving teams.
  • They want Dual Spec. Nano talked about this, Monkeynews has mentioned it and Cdew talked about it.

I’ve repeated the following scenario in a futile attempt to make the zealous “No-changers” on this forum understand the situation:

“Hey dude, wanna play some arena matches before raid?”
“Nah, don’t wanna blow 100g for a few matches. How about after raid?”
“Sorry, gotta go to sleep after raid.”

The exact problems Blizzard cited for originally implementing Dual Spec still exist today, and they’re further exasperated than they were in 2007. The community is more min-max. No one is doing Arena in their PvE or farming specs. Virtually no one is going into raids in a non-optimal spec. Times have changed, this is the exact same situation as the world buff meta.

People don’t want to have to schedule Arena matches like they’re raids.

sounds like a community problem

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At what point do people realize they don’t want to play TBC and stop telling themselves they do?

It’s TBC. It’s not like a great unknown- the game existed, and there is tons of data about how things were in TBC, on the internet. People KNEW what the game was. If they didn’t like it, then why did they come back to play it?


Players like Delimicus never will…
they will complain until they’ve ruined another good game and then they’ll start yammering over that as well until it is time for them to move on to the next game to ruin…

I played original TBC, start to finish. I played original WoTLK, start to finish.

Unlike the bored retail players who are experiencing the game for the first time, I know which features improved the game and which ones did not. Dual Spec improves the game significantly and was developed to combat issues we’re experiencing now. Raid logging will be significantly less prevalent with Dual Spec.

I also played throughout the original run.

Dual spec was nice when it got added.

Keep it out of this recreation of TBC, where it doesn’t belong. I don’t care if it would make your friends’ TBC experience better. I don’t care if it saves a kitten. I don’t care if it stems the the melting ice caps…it wasn’t in TBC, and it should stay that way.


You’re not the only one who played origional tbc and wotlk.

And I can tell you the two expansions were very different in design goals of classes and content.

Dual spec fit in wotlk, but the differences between wotlk and tbc make it not fit well with tbc.

Sure I will be convenient if it’s added, but it will have a very noticeable impact on the economy, gameplay, class balance, and even how content is consumed compared to origipnal tbc.

It will literally do none of this.


Dual Spec would fit in brilliantly with TBC Classic.

It’s almost like we already know exactly what impact dual spec has because it’s not some wild unknown…

Crazy right?

In wotlk. It improved wotlk. Allegedly.

We don’t have proof that it made TBC better, because it wasn’t in TBC.

It is almost like you think TBC is closer to Classic’s design than it is to WotLK’s design…

It’s almost like I think TBC and wotlk were different and should remain different.


Right, clearly dual spec is the sole difference between TBC and Wrath.

So do you think the design of tbc=wotlk and classes and content/design didn’t see a shift toward “bring the player not the class”?

That happened regardless of dual spec.

Clearly you think the requests for QoL and future expansions features will stop with dual spec.

You will get the game you want, when wotlk classic is released, and you will abandon tbc classic when that happens.

And the players who wanted “just tbc” will be stuck with the garbage you whined for and didn’t stick around to “enjoy”.

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I can make that in a day of casual farming.

You talk about inflation, meanwhile bots are rampant, and 2 classes can generate thousands of raw gold in a day via instance farming. If a Holy Paladin respecs to prot farm spec, thats -50g, but then farms it 5 days in the week making 1k gold a day. They then respec again for a raid. They generated a raw 4.9k into the economy.

But yeah man, 50g respec will really calm down that inflation.

At least the gold I make comes from other players.

It’s also based on the very false assumption that everyone who would use dual spec is currently swapping specs just as frequently. As opposed to say just logging off.