Dual Spec Macros aren't working

/usetalents [spec:1] 2; 1

/equip [spec:1] x; [spec:2] y
/usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1

Cant make a macro atm since what worked in wrath doesn’t work


I found that it breaks after switching specs. But if you switch to uppercase S in spec, that would fix it.

Then switching back to lowercase s when it breaks again.

It’s annoying. Hopefully blizzard fixes it soon.

Bump for fix, WOTLK feature indeed missing.

Those conditions were added in cata

/run if( GetActiveTalentGroup() == 1) then SetActiveTalentGroup(2) else SetActiveTalentGroup(1) end

This should work


You person, are a god among all.