Dual Spec is Now Available on Anniversary Realms

As someone who has long advocated for dual spec, it should be that you need to talk to the trainer to access it. Now there is no purpose for the class trainer outside of leveling talents which doesn’t happen past 60, and the RP of them is completely vanished.


100g before 32?! Who were you ripping off? What overpriced products were you selling to gold buyers?


true :expressionless: but at least it’s rested areas only

What RP of them? You just walked up to them gave them gold and then redid your talents.


Because the RP of a mind wipe so you forget everything you know and instantly get taught other stuff just to repeat that over and over is any better?


The developers of classic heavily emphasized the need to return to town; to empty your bags, repair, talk to flight masters, etc. This encourages interaction with the environment, and thus interaction with the world and other players. I think it is important that Classic Era renditions stick true to those philosophies. SoD through a lot of that in the trash, which is why I think it lost a lot of the playerbase who likes classic for being classic. If the majority don’t want it fine but I think its true to what the iriginal devs intented


From now on I’m putting dnd on and not talking to anyone.

Just to spite all of you.

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Shocked that this was added so soon, was expecting it to be added in Phase 2 or something.


There’s still plenty of reason to come to town. Also many players didn’t respec every raid night. Honestly dual spec is 1 of the changes that barely affects the game in any negative sense, but greatly improves QoL.

Not mad at all.


let’s gooo

Lol eyr / frosstfire / deletee

Get rekt


What do you need gold for without GDKPs?

Can’t afford the 5 pots you need a week to raid? Lol.

Botting will be way down on these servers

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Dual spec should be free, adding additional sinks to king vanilla gold sink city is completely disrespectful to the playerbase on their 20th anniversary.

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The leopard eats.

The game.


It won’t.

queues group finder as heals I CAN DO IT HEALS

No tf you did not lol

You can make enough gold skinning to buy a mount at 40 and thats skinning swamps for 2 levels.

You understand WE can see the auction house and what prices are to know you’re full of shiot.


Why are you acting like having 100G by Level 32 is difficult?

I had 25,000G across my two accounts when TBCC launched, and I didnt have a Level 60 until after TBCC launched.


The man admitted to RMT or trading with RMTers, deeply disturbing stuff.


John Auctionhouse

and it all started with leatherworking.

which is :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: literally :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: what Im doing right now in Thunder Bluff on Dreamscythe