I realize this but I’m addressing that these are some kind of magic time stop button where the person doing the CC somehow gets to magically change change specs and then resume.
Which is a ridiculous oversight by the devs.
What? That WoW isn’t balanced 1v1?
This isn’t a wow thing, this is a dual spec thing. You’re clutching at straws to win an argument and not acknowledging the facts presented.
Since I now have to use dual spec to stay on top of things, can we have a gear closet so I can switch gear sets quickly please. I’d rather just not have dual spec at all but can we at least make it semi-convenient…
You’ve thrown out some super niche situations where dual spec might actually matter in wpvp.
They are super niche.
Like I said if it actually becomes an issue in wpvp address it. It never has in the years dual spec has existed so…
Being able to switch specs mid-fight only affects world pvp, which if you get caught out alone in the world you deserve what’s coming, dual spec or otherwise. In battlegrounds, you can’t change specs once the bg begins, only during preparation
But if a minute cooldown after leaving combat will appease the pvp doomers then sure, that won’t hurt anything
It’s not niche at all, unless you consider pvp niche.
The situations you described are definitely niche.
I mean the only thing this does is make it so if a rogue or mage get caught in pve spec they can now go to pvp spec.
But it’s bad for a mage because they lose all their mana lol.
Sure they can re sheep and evo I guess.
This doesn’t do much.
The argument for rogues is silly.
You aren’t going to be doing a 1v1 to where the rogue uses literally all his CDs, then he preps and uses all his CDs again then he somehow swapa to Adren rush lmfao.
Adren rush is also trash in pvp
Clearly you don’t pvp. Being niche (which it’s a big niche.) Doesn’t change that theres an oversight that’s easily exploited and can be fixed easily.
How do you know it’s an exploit?
Maybe blizzard knows about it but they don’t care?
Fair enough so if there was a 1 minute cooldown on leaving combat for dual spec you would have no further complaints?
I meant as in that it can be exploited, rather than Blizzarss definition of what is or isn’t an exploit.
Yeah pretty much.
Easiest fix just increase the cast time to 30 seconds
Fair enough this actually seem like a perfectly reasonable ask, I guess I just don’t see the issue either way.
Yeah or that, anything that prevents the cheese. I’m lactose intolerant.
I mean ultimately I don’t think it’s really anything special… I just don’t see it being used in practice.
If he uses literally every CD twice him somehow getting a reset and going adrenaline rush isn’t really an advantage…
Theres so many ways to use it to your advantage on basically every class if using rocket helm / magic dust. Die hard pvpers are also the biggest culprit of using every little gimmick possible to get an advantage. It will end up being a must if you take pvp seriously.
As pvp is my favourite part of classic unfortunately unless they address this I’ll also be using this.