Dual Spec is NOT a QOL Change

you are attacking vanilla fresh :expressionless: trying to jam your wrath features into it. it’s not your turn. SoD was your turn. this is OUR turn. the people who actually LIKE vanilla as is.

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“If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him."

  • Sun Tzu

A weak spirited person feels attacked when nobody is even addressing them.

Unhinged insanity. “Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!”.

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Interesting you should say this as you have more forum posts than they do…

It’s interesting when you see a disgruntled troll stop posting, and then some “new” clown with no life starts following all of your posts around the forum.

no it’s not lol. say if, how is changing into a tank spec for free in the fly harming you in any way if we have no tanks?


I’ve been saying for the longest time that it’s too easy to abuse the forums by swapping characters and that I hope that Blizzard has the ability to see identical accounts posts and likes.

Schizophrenics retailbabbies, lmao.

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Is it not a gameplay change?

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It’s just funny how they are too daft to realize how obvious it is.

Some of the worst trolls on any forum I have ever seen.

It’s truly pathetic.

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They absolutely do.

Before they got axed (rip) I used to volunteer for Riot’s old League forums and I had backend access.

I 100% guarantee you that Blizz’s backend is close enough to let them do that.


Its often people who accuse others of their own personal actions in an attempt to belittle their positions and arguments.

Just like the rogue was calling everyone a grey parser for 2 days straight until someone else pointed out they were also a grey parser.

Yep and they are powerless.

It’s the most hilarious part.

They are just squirming and begging for attention, clawing at post after post after post, looking as desperate as I’ve ever seen someone look on a forum.

It’s def a mental illness.

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This my friend is what can be considered a logical fallacy.

You have no logical argument and instead resort to accusations against the other parties character and integrity.

Bump for the dual spec.

I admit that I have at times swapped characters to bump a post, but never pretended to be a separate person all together.

I think it’s okay and within the intention to post as whatever character you want, but acting to be a separate individual I think would be the issue here.

It can be abused to others without backend access. We don’t know if you’re multi character posting the forums and that’s bad forum design IMO…

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Imagine white knighting for something so irrelevant.

It’s a prog server that’s going to barely last a year…

Who cares

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This is a stupid topic of discussion as anyone could level this accusation against others without proof.

Just move on already.

I responded twice to that topic, I think you’ll be fine either way.