Dual spec is great for the game! Thanks Blizzard!

you are not a psychologist, and even if you were, you cannot diagnose over the internet :expressionless: your posts are inappropriate and are reported.


Anyone with a working brain can tell your posting habits aren’t healthy in the slightest.


No thank you.

i prob got more hours in classic era than u bud there is absolutly no reason that dual spec makes the game bad


bEcAUsE iT’s NoT vAnILLa

Literally his whole argument.

After chronoboons, perma 1.12, layering, etc. you’d think one would realize that, yes, this isn’t Vanilla.


haha right if anything it just enhances the spirit of vanilla wow boo hoo 1 fury warrior might respec fury prot in order to tank 4 horseman


Hours in a video game has nothing to do with the topic at hand or validating your’ opinion, and you have no idea how many hours me or anyone else has spent on this game. As for changing the game in a negative or positive way with dual spec. that is everyone’s opinion. There’s a reason why retail wow and sod existed. People like different things. These realms we’re supposed to be our fresh Era realms, not Era with a couple changes. If you can’t see how this doesn’t change the core of vanilla i’m not sure what to say. If you don’t have to be in a city even if they wouldn’t let you change specs. in combat as a rogue in a duel you could spec. imp. sap. Get the sap off, switch to cold blood hemo (or whatever you’d want to) out of combat and in stealth, and reopen.

Haters gonna hate.


Grats on the fresh somechanges servers guys! Have fun in TBC!

Era is still BiS.


Oh the Humanity!

if the November 2006 Level 60 WoW experience was truly the must popular version, the Era servers would have more (total) players than Cataclysm or SoD or (eventually) Anniversary.

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just ban respec in duels lol ez that is a very valid point u brought up ngl 100% need to ban respec while dueling this is only exception to respeccing everywhere

We love dual spec.


No WE don’t.

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Not sure why you liked the “Era is BiS” comment. Era doesn’t have dual spec…

not yet but it sure does need it


Don’t retail my Classic


dual spec is a wrath feature not a retail feature

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Do you think flying is good for vanilla too? It is after all a WRATH feature. People play vanilla for a reason. No need to nitpick every single little thing down to the smallest detail to get your’ point across. You know what Western is trying to say.

no flying in vanilla would be bad this is common sense

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