Dual-Spec does not ruin anything

That’s interesting. I don’t want features that weren’t in the game in Classic TBC either…

…oh, but they’re giving Seal of Blood to Alliance and Seal of Vengeance to Horde, aren’t they?

Oh, dear! Well, I guess we don’t always get what we want, do we?

So, in honor of #SomeChanges, I think a dual-spec would be a welcome addition to TBC Classic.

it doesn’t matter what you want, you’re more than welcome to never learn dual spec.

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I hope they add it. My ret pvp spec and pve spec are different.


But Seal of Blood was in TBC. Dual spec wasnt. Go do 3 dailies, make the 50g and respec. Not that hard. Keep the Wotlk content in Wotlk


Yeah it was in TBC for Horde not for you Alliance players. #changes

But a dual spec isn’t adding or subtracting abilities from the game. It’s just the ability to switch from one spec to the other. Don’t do dailies, just give us the ability to respec and expand our options! Not that hard.



specialization is the opposite of diversification.

your turn.


Specialization is NOT the opposite of diversification. You’re just making stuff up.

Whew, that was easy!

actually you’re blindly denying it because you don’t understand it.

given limited capability, one can either become an expert in a narrow field or mediocre in multiple fields due to time and effort allocation.

hence mutual exclusivity.

Dual spec would change the meta. It would have a very wide-reaching impact.


Spec’s have no value outside of their use in the world, not the server economy. Otherwise someone would be paying you what you’re worth to participate in a raid.

Nice! I’d love to see how that works in practice!

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Well Blizz kind of blew that already, with boosts, which were not introduced until the horrid WoD. But I do agree, the fewer imported changes, the more true to the genuine experience.

Guess you’re going to unsub over Seal of Blood, right?

For sure it might be interesting. But it would not have no effect.

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Dual spec greatly devalues hybrid classes.
The change in meta as well people seem to think having dual spec will let them pvp outside of raid days, but anyone that’s played on pservers will know if youre raiding both your specs will be raid specs.


You sure about that? Dual spec was not in TBC. Nor was it in Vanilla. So as an extreme example, let’s use the 4H in Naxx. When we were progressing in Vanilla, With dual spec, hey no problem! We have 8 classes that can tank. All we need to do is swap specs.

Need more dps on a boss? No problem, swap specs. Need more healing on a boss? Swap specs.

It’s just a different way of potentially cheesing an encounter.

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IF AND ONLY IF it still costs your current respec cost to activate the other spec somehow.


random dungeon finder, hierlooms, and lfr does not ruin anything either