Dual Spec Adjustment

While I am a big fan of the dual spec inclusion on this iteration of HC WoW, I feel a little fine tuning would be great! I feel it would be better to reel it back to about level 30, as well as the gold cost set to 25g. Having it appear at the same time for when people want to buy their mounts, kind of makes it difficult to save gold. This is especially true for healers who want to do some solo levelling, but have the flexibility to heal for groups who are usually in need of healers for SM/Ulda. I’m sure tanks would benefit as well!

As someone who leveled a healer, I had no issues healing dungeons in my dps spec until I bought dual spec in the mid 40s.

Honestly, the price and level availability is fine. I wouldn’t complain if they reduced the cost, but it’s not prohibitive in the current state.


Just because it’s available, doesn’t mean you have to take it right then and there. 50g + level 40 is more than fine. It’s the cost of a single maxed out respec. Dual Spec isn’t a necessity. It’s a luxury. As such, you pay a luxury tax. After you get to around 50 the gold really starts to come in. Plus, it’s easy to get on alts after you have a 60 that’s parked and never raids because you’re to afraid to die.


I think it’s in the realm of good enough so leave it as is.

Sure they could bring it up 10 levels but that would mean your 50g further away from your mount, anyway.

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You don’t need dual spec while leveling. Anyone with a tanking set or healing set can tank or heal a dungeon without issues. Talent specs while leveling up have very little real impact on dungeons. Also anyone can dps, there is no must have DPS spec.

If you want dungeon runs to go smooth, be the right levels for the dungeons, don’t be carrying anyone then go slow and killing everything around you. Don’t leave packs up because it’s faster that can add. Again take it slow, let your healers drink, most healers are very mana inefficient until pre raid BIS since they have no plus healing so can’t really downrange. Know the mobs, if it’s humanoids which can run, pull them back, don’t just charge in.

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I love it, people don’t want to overcome any difficulty. Why even play the game?

should be changed to lvl 60 imo