DS 2/20 launch!

So, for the record for everyone here, this guy still can’t read.

But also, there are 653 total heroic 25 man logs, of those 267 have full cleared.
10 man has 1679 total heroic logs, and 601 have full cleared. The clear rate on average is slightly higher for 10 man but there are significantly more 10 man logs in total. And as a reminder, plenty of 25 man guilds will do 10 mans for benched roster members/alts.

So those groups would be inflating the clear rate of 10 man, coming in having already seen the fights on 25 and bringing much more gear than most 10 man players will have seen on average. Realistically, you could interpret the data as 10 man being easier, I think the clear rate is slightly inflated by 25 man players clearing on a lower raid size. By how much no way to actually tell. But the difference in clear rate actually isn’t significant. Suggesting the difficulty is similar enough between the 2 raid sizes. One just has an easier time covering every important buff/debuff while getting far more loot over the course of a tier.

As a side note, someone did the math on the loot differences between 10 and 25 14 years ago, finding on average it takes twice as long to fully gear a 10 man vs a 25 man raid. Do with that information what you will.

Actually since he already made me check the numbers, here’s the totals for ALL REGIONS.
25 man heroic 1668 total:777 full clears
10 man heroic 4210 total:1914 full clear
So in reality, 25 man has more full clears on average.

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Rag is barely harder, if you have 5 people who aren’t braindead(2 dk’s to deathgrip meteors and 3 firefighters) its super ez. The only thing hard about that fight is root rng spawning under him