Sit in Bearform and use Thorns on CD.
Eventually you’re gonna be ignored.
Man, what engaging gameplay.
Keep tanks out of PvP, cuz this garbage is much better.
Sit in Bearform and use Thorns on CD.
Eventually you’re gonna be ignored.
Man, what engaging gameplay.
Keep tanks out of PvP, cuz this garbage is much better.
Honestly that still is more engaging than rogues. Rogue kills you in the opener so you have to trinket and cc them, they insta trinket and blind you, and than they just simply reopen and 100-0 at 27% vers. There is 0 things in my kit that can stop them from doing this. Like for real, it’s a legion rogue, but worse.
Legend has it
can be interrupted.
Lol. Probably was massacred too many times to fully understand what he could do.
Phearbunny mad cause convoke is a joke and everyone lets him in on it.
So go back into Bearform and wait 2mins
DKs pretty stronk right now as well, I have seen a Frost DK CC 7-8 people at once with FWF in a rated BG and then do some sizeable AOE during the clash.
Everything is OP if you play it right.
Some niche scenarios are WAY more common than others.
the real cool cats do it in boomy, I think.
It’s 3 minutes, conjoke is an even worse joke outside of CA.
90s cd aoe stun is twice as common as conjoke
druids require skill it’s true
who else has to plant seeds and mushrooms while they also fight and kill things?
OP probably thinks his 4 button simon says is peak complexity.
tank roles are just boring in general.
gimme some fun tank specs if any
Thank you but no thank you.
As a feral I’ve given up on convoke in pvp unless I can gtfo and hotw into boomy it, people seem to have a 6th sense for when I’m about to convoke. More often than not I get a single shred before interupted. Guessing everyone macros their stun clearing trinket into their interupt.