Druids in Flight form disconnecting [Need more info]

Same bug here. Will disconnect if in flight form and ascend straight up with the spacebar key. Legion zones but may be others, I think I had it happen in Zereth Mortis too. Will check when I can and report back.

I have 2 druids, and it’s happened on both. One with the Legion owl form, the other a Kul Tiran with their normal flight form. It’s happened in Legion and Shadowlands, with or without interacting, and with and without a follower ‘equipped’ (owl has a follower, crow doesn’t, both have dc’d in both expac zones). It’s also happened right after logging back in, so definitely didnt interact with anything because I was in the sky.

Getting this same issue.

It’s happening to me on Broken Shore. Keep having Dc’s when I hit “Space” to ascend on Druid’s flying form.

Happening in ZM for me whenever I try to fly up and forward at the same time, on all my druids.

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Its happening 4 months later and a LOT super annoying, you basically can’t be hit or you will lose your stupid overpiced darkmoon firewater, cos of course when you dc, your character is still there, getting mauled to death while trying to reconnect

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This is a bug and it belongs in the Bug Report Forum along with the many other reports on this issue.

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i get DCed on my Paladin when i use the spacebar and the 2 mouse buttons to fly on the mount (sometimes i need to do a hard reset when the computer locks up). so this problem might not be tied to the Druids…

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Here’s a post from May 1 that blizz responded to: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/disconnect-loop-in-highmountain/356090

Yet, I am having this exact same issue today, and have had in the past, when I increase altitude in form, or on a mount it disconnects. 3 months, no resolution?

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Then post your issue in the aptly named Bug Report Forum where they deal with issues such as that.

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The exact same issue is happening in Legion content.

When I play there, I may play one or more characters a lot. Eventually a druid flying in Legion content becomes bugged so that every time I fly straight up using the spacebar or straight down using x, they disconnect instantly. They stay bugged indefinitely, or at least for several months after I abandon that character because it can’t fly in Legion. Much later they seem to have recovered and are no longer bugged.

Using the spacebar to fly up or x to fly down works as long as you always have your finger on forward at the same time. This is sometimes very awkward.

It is unrelated to Lunarwing form.


I get this from time to time but only when flying straight up or down. Not sure if it’s dependably reproducible since I just got in the habit of flying in another direction as well.

My suspicion is it’s related to position hacking heuristics. Similar things can happen when falling onto a teleported in the Nazjatar raid or in kings rest with that mob that would shot you into the ceiling. Server notices a suspicious delta position and you get DC’d.

I notice that people are having problems in Legion with their combat ally and I have problems in ZM specifically so I’m thinking pocopoc is the problem as he’s a combat ally. I just knew he was no goodun right from the start! Going to test the theory now without him tagging along.

My level 60 Worgen Druid keeps getting Dc’ed while in flight form in Legion content, specifically in Haustvald in Stormheim with the Blizzard error message of wo51900319. This is happening when I use the space bar to ascend. I have reset the UI by going into the wow folder and renaming the cache, interface and wtf folders and deactivated my add on updater and it is still a problem.

Also I have been getting random DC’s across all characters saying that my subscription is expired, which of course it is not.

Any help would be appreciated.

Going to put this in the bug report forum also.

This is a bug, not a tech issue. Post in one of the many threads about the same topic in the Bug Report Forum. Do you have Thisalee Crow with you when this occurs?

Every forum I post in someone replies that it needs to be in a different forum thread so I just posted it in all of them :).

And to answer your question it still happens when you dismiss the follower. Having read a number of posts it seems to occur when using the space bar to go straight up and using the “x” button to go down.


Just had this happen to me about 3 times in 10mins loot herb get aggro fly straight up and DC in revendreth. happened yesterday in ZM logged back in and i was dead killed by mobs. have power cycled pc since yday disabled add ons. still happening.

Remove Thisalee Crow from assisting you, then go to a different zone and back, you should be able to fly without the disconnects now.

I understand what your trying to say, but I think because of the blue posts, that it is still being reported here. The in game reporting is just time consuming frustration and the bug forums moves so fast people feel like its not being seen.

I honestly still have this issue, even after a fresh install and have come to the conclusion its a feature. The in game reporting is just time consuming frustration and the bug forums moves so fast people feel like its not being seen.

To the blues, can you you go back to Legion INTERNAL patch notes and see what anti-flying anti-cheat was implemented at that time to stop the druids from fly-hacking before flying was available.

I believe it could be related, as even when not on a druid you can be mounted and if you dismount 5-10yards above the ground you end up in an accelerated freefall which “sometimes” causes a disconnect. This issue has been around since Vanilla but it really started happening a lot since the legion “anti-flying” patch.