Druid ultimate macro help

Hello. I have seen the following macro linked in forums:

/cast [@mouseover,help,dead][help,dead]Rebirth;[spec:4,@mouseover,help,nodead][spec:4,help]Nature’s Cure;[@mouseover,help,nodead]Remove Corruption;[@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm]Soothe;[spec:4,help]Nature’s Cure;Remove Corruption

Is there a way to add alt mod:alt,@player to this macro? I am unsure where exactly to add it so that it may cast natures cure on myself when holding alt. Also, to get extremely fancy, is there a way to do rebirth in combat but revive out of combat within this macro? Thanks.

The issue is the 255 character limit. Adding in the 2 mod:alt,@player condition sets bumps it up to 265 characters.

/cast [@mouseover,help,dead][help,dead]Rebirth;[mod:alt,spec:4,@player][spec:4,@mouseover,help,nodead]Nature's Cure;[mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,help,nodead]Remove Corruption;[@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm]Soothe;[spec:4]Nature's Cure;Remove Corruption

Adding Revive on top of that bumps it up to 319

/cast [combat,@mouseover,help,dead][combat,help,dead]Rebirth;[@mouseover,help,dead][help,dead]Revive;[mod:alt,spec:4,@player][spec:4,@mouseover,help,nodead]Nature's Cure;[mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,help,nodead]Remove Corruption;[@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm]Soothe;[spec:4]Nature's Cure;Remove Corruption

The version I personally use (with BindPad) that supports mod:alt Innervate is 393

/cqs [@mouseover,help,dead][help,dead]
/cast [mod:alt,spec:1,@mouseover,help,nodead][mod:alt,spec:1][mod:alt,spec:4,@player]Innervate;[@mouseover,help,dead,combat][help,dead,combat]Rebirth;[@mouseover,help,dead][help,dead]Revive;[spec:4,@mouseover,help,nodead]Nature's Cure;[@mouseover,help,nodead]Remove Corruption;[@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm]Soothe;[spec:4]Nature's Cure;Remove Corruption


What does Bindpad do? Does it allow you extra characters for macros?

Let’s you bind macros to keybinds without putting them on your bars.

Thanks for this, it has helped me plan my druid keybindings better. Can I request your assistance once more? Can you assist me with a macro that Cast Maim on the target or mouseover, shift modifier cast Maim on focus, target/mouseover friendly Revive, target/mouseover friendly combat Rebirth.

/cast [combat,@mouseover,help,dead] [combat,help,dead] Rebirth;[@mouseover,help,dead] [help,dead] Revive; [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Maim

You my good sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar

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