Druid Tuning - April 10

Ok. I mean, you’ll get what you get, but as far as I’m concerned they can give you a 30% dps increase and I don’t really care. Though it’s entirely possible that being petulant about it might get you no buff, who can say. :person_shrugging:

Honestly, who can say? I mean, at this point, class balance is happening and warriors perform generally poorly in PvE, so by all established logic, warrior buffs are a thing that should be happening. We don’t really know what the rules and expectations are right now, but the two data points we have suggest warrior buffs will be a thing.

I don’t think it would be mechanically major, but the impact it will have is up in the air. The feral change was very, very minor, it just had a large impact. Who can say what will happen with warriors.

Regarding balancing for ICC, I also can’t say. I mean, ferals will also scale very well with ICC gear, to the point where I wouldn’t have expected a buff to be necessary, but they got buffed and will only continue to improve with gear. Like I said, we don’t really know what mindset Blizzard has here.

and this is why your company is a fing joke man.

how about some pvp changes now where it actually matters?
fix the trash maps? must be impossible to fix combat bug and evade spot on ruins of lordaeron, as well as dalaran sewer jumps, like jesus christ it was bad in tbc but how low can we go.
balance human racial and buff will of forsaken? nah that sounds stupid, just let players buy faction / racial changes am I right? definitely not pay to win.
yea forget it the game’s going to be over in 6 month anyways, pathetic trash.

sorry i forgot “invalid target” btw.
imagine putting that in arena, how do you even create an “invalid target” when you writing codes??? like wtf??? how ist possible???

Going to go against the grain here too.

I didn’t roll Feral Combat Cat from day one on Classic to be a bear. Bearweaving sucks. I play it to main cat. I don’t play it because I have some weird fascination about comparatively needlessly complicated rotations for mediocre DPS for more than two and a half games worth of content until the very last tier at the end of one expansion.

Feral Cat has been a meme specialization for so long (from Classic alone, Wolfshead Helm, Powershifting, Manual Crowd Pummeler, Potion Cats, Bearweaving, Flowerweaving, or in Retail, Owlweaving), and has this awfully turbulent history of irrelevancy or being good for a brief window then getting slapped off the countertop of respectable DPS with nerfs like its the family cat and it looked at your dad’s steak wrong.

Yeah, needless to say, let’s not touch Feral Combat Cat anymore than it needs right now. It’s in a fine place with this reversion on Naturalist (and a perk to bears while at it).


Okay let me make sure I understand the situation:

1- Blizzard decide feral needs a buff so they buff Omen of Clarity
2- Blizzard realizes the buff was too much so they nerf Naturalist
3- Blizzard revert the nerf on Naturalist

If that’s right then what happened to the realization on the fact that Omen of Clarity buff was too OP?? What happened to this change was "meant to de-emphasize the “Bearweaving” and “increasing or decreasing damage wasn’t really the main goal” ?? why not reverting the whole thing ?

Roll back all changes stop ruining a 15 year old game you current developers are diversity hire trash. Nobody wants to play your products, we want to play the products made by based developers who named their coolest epics “misogynist” things. I can’t even tell people how gigantique my sack is in your current crapshoot.


More realistically,

1- Blizzard decide feral rotations with bear/flower weaving was stupidly janky so they buff changed FFF so kitty can do kitty things and the change was exactly within the range they targeted
2- Blizzard caved to warriors whining and then realized their fix had larger implications
3- Blizzard revert the nerf on Naturalist

I’m not sure if this link has made it to this thread, but it’s kinda hidden away in the community council forum. I’ll post again here just in case.

We just watched Blizzard try to do a poorly thought out stealth hotfix that inadvertently nerfed PvP to fix a pure PvE issue. They then back tracked on that decision a few hours after the forums became a hurricane. It’s entirely believable to me that their assumptions of the buff being too strong (based on 1 week of raid logs and no PTR testing) were also hastily made in light of community pressure, and that it would be better to get more data before making big conclusions.

The complete blindness to the effect in pvp by nerfing naturalist proves you do not have pvp developers let alone any of you actually playing the game.

Its an obvious problem to anyone playing that nerfing ferals naturalist talent would nerf them in pvp. You clearly do not play this game let alone pvp, its not even addressed here in this post, as in you are clueless.

You are diversity hires unsuited for you jobs & should resign instead of faking it till you make it.

okay so what happened to “their fix had larger implications” ? What’s the fix for those larger implications ? They just dropped the ball on that. They admitted they need more testing before they roll a change like that, but they only reverted half of the change. The whole story should have been like:

1- They buff Omen of Clarity
2- That was too much buff so they nerfed Naturalist
3- They reverted nerf Naturalist
4- They reverted buff Omen of Clarity

I don’t see that number 4 anywhere in the blue posts…

The original buff was fine, it just annoyed some warriors who whined.

The omen of clarity change was what they wanted to do, the amount of damage it increased was more than they expected. They took “several days” to come up with a way to lower ferals dps a little bit and completely goofed by not realizing that the naturalist talent nerf would also affect pvp and bears so twice as many people got mad at that. So now they just basically gave up and said they won’t change anything else until the community tells them how to do their jobs.

I totally agree. Let’s revert the whole thing including the original buff. Take it to PTR, run some tests in there and then bring it to live when it’s ready. They can’t just revert half of a change and leave the other half in.

I mean it buffed feral right around where they thought it would, the only thing blizzard miscalculated was how much warriors would cry about it.


I think that was a very loud minority, haha. I never really understood the “You shouldn’t get the thing, I want the thing” mentality with regards to buffs. Like, at this point, buffs are a thing that happen now, so it’s nothing to me if warriors get buffs. I don’t care. They can buff hunters too, it doesn’t matter to me.

My only hesitance with buffs of any kind was whether or not they should… but that ship has sailed so let’s just see where things go now :slight_smile:

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As per Aggrend’s own words it literally wasn’t and still isn’t because it’s beyond what they planned.
Stop misrepresenting the rare snippets of dev communication already, it’s getting really annoying.

However, it’s safe to say we definitely underestimated the level of buff this would be for top-end players, and the net effect was that this ended up being a much larger buff across all skill levels than we had intended.

Just be happy feral got something nice :slight_smile:

It may be beyond what they planned, but they may want Ferals to stay in this buffed state rather than revert to the original pre-buffed state. Even if they’d rather the game be in the original pre-buffed state, it takes developer time, however minor, to make the change.

can u bring back TBC servers pls or rdf. ur ruinin wrath i would like to go back to tbc. ty.
also fix druids. idk whats going on but they seem angry abt changes that im sure u flipped up on somehow bc all u guys do is disappoint us lol. so i stand w/ em. ty again

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