Druid Tuning - April 10

incompetent devs

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Absolutely embarrassing, thereā€™s noone driving this ship lol!

Yall know it isnt April Foolā€™s anymore right?

Kind of late for this.


ā€œBased on community feedback we now think we didnā€™t. Weā€™ll take that position on further adviceā€¦ā€

I notice the bear threat buff is still there. What if this was all a plan to buff bear threat while distracting people with a bigger change they were gonna revert?

The sheer amount of negative feedback from this change even from people not all the way on board with initial buff was kinda surprising.

Iā€™ll take it :stuck_out_tongue:

Bear threat single target was always fine, aoe is garbage in wrath and I doubt this really brings it up enough to matter.


Multi dollar developers

Hire people with experience instead of kids straight out of college hungry to pay off debt and no experience.

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welp if you guys just leave this game alone and doesnt touch anything .

A few of us arenā€™t opposed to buffs as much as annoyed at the uncontrolled and ad-hoc way Bliz have been going about it.

The wowhead update below is the best news Iā€™ve had in weeks - doing sensible stuff like putting changes into ptr will make a huge difference. They really shouldnā€™t have needed a Damascus conversion to get to this point thoughā€¦

ā€œ1. Put these kind of adjustments on a PTR first, period. PTRs allow us to measure twice and cut once, and we should have used this tool to help us better evaluate both changes.
2. Communicate intent better for every change of this magnitude, including follow-up adjustments. This goes hand-in-hand with the lesson above.ā€


So wait, FF procā€™ing omen every 6s does not affect PvP more than 5% flat damage buff ?
Where is the logic in there ?

Now if they could just properly buff ret instead of adding a glyph that changes the game.

Wasnā€™t hard to revert changes instead of making them.

But then thereā€™s also been multiple cases where despite a huge amount of negative PTR/Beta feedback things went through. Like spell batching.

I really donā€™t get why the initial change was made or the adjustment or the second adjustment was made. It ends up being a win for feral so at this point iā€™ll take it.

Yeah itā€™s not a popularity contest but at least ptr letā€™s them see if the change is behaving as expected.

But the initial change to feral behaved exactly as expected.

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Iā€™m but they said it didnā€™tā€¦

FF doesnā€™t procc omen on PvP targets.

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Not according to what is posted at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

Who knows lol.

Putting changes on ptr is a net win.

So, would you say this whole experience wasā€¦bearable?