Druid travel form macro breaks after changing spec

You can tighten it up a bit, and depending on the reason for the /cancelform (which you don’t need to do prior to mounting) you may be able to remove it as well.

/run if SecureCmdOptionParse"[mod:alt]"then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)end
/use [mod:ctrl]Barkskin;[mod:shift]Berserk;[mod:alt]Travel Form(Shapeshift);Bear Form
/use [mod:ctrl]Survival Instincts;[mod:shift]14
/cancelform [mod:alt]

Confused why you’ve set it up to pop all your Bear defensives at the same time.

These are my Druid macros if you want them for reference. Similar setup but more granular control than what you’re using.

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