Them mfs OP lol
Never saw one til like a week ago, what changed?
Winters ending
False but still worth a
Druids are actually in a very bad spot as tanks rn. I’m hoping they get buffs for next phase. They got lots of hp but that’s about it. Paly/lock/shammy are all in a decent spot but warrior and druid are lacking and need some help next phase
In PvP Bear is pretty strong right now and not many people are aware of it since everyone just PvPs as a chicken, which is way stronger.
In PvE They’re still top tier tanks
Druids have the lowest damage and single target threat out of all the tanks currently. They have good cleave threat and a lot of hp, but nothing else. They are not top tier tanks. They can clear the content easily with no problems though.
It’s literally the 2nd most used tank in Speed Running. They have the highest burst of any tank which just got yet another threat buff and 5 stack Lacerate threat is absurd. What are you on?
They do not have the best opening threat. And based on logs they perform the worst damage wise in the top 5 and 1 percentiles. Also looking at the top fastest clearing guilds none of them run druid as MT it’s all OT. Paly shammy lock are used as MT is all the other guilds along with 2 heals. Bear is tanking skerem, trio, twins, ouro. That’s it all other fights are being 1 tanked with either a lock, shamy or paly. They also have the highest DTPS according to logs.
What crack are you smoking? They desperately need a sustain buff for pvp
They do, though. Zirene literally joined the Druid discord a couple months ago, mentioned that he wanted to massively buff Mangle threat (And slightly reduce Lacerate threat because 5 stack lacerate did more threat than any ability in the game and it was spammable) and the next day he did. Bear is now the highest opening damage, highest burst threat, highest sustained threat
What’s funny is you talk about single target sustained DPS like it matters here like it did in Vanilla, meanwhile the most used tanks by Speedrun Guilds are the lowest DPS tanks. In Vanilla we only hyper-focused tank DPS because threat was the #1 issue in Vanilla raid
Logs don’t back up your claim man. Locks generate way more opening threat. They are able to get 2 blocks of searing pain off before any other tank. Sustain threat isn’t an issuein sod and has never been for any tank. Once again all the top 5 speed guilds aren’t running druid MT. Zirene talks in every discord. Druid is by far the worst tanks currently for MT. They are still good but ur delusional to just not check logs to back ur claim up. Locks and paladins are being used way more. Just looks at the top guilds logs druid is basically just holding adds, and it’s a cat in bear form. Also sorry to tell you this, but if ur not having opening threat issues you’re DPS are bad. Hunters have 17k TPS opening threat. And cat has 15k opening threat. If both of ur players aren’t doing that then they aren’t parsing a 99 and if that’s not happening then it doesn’t matter what tank you use since all are fine. But logs do not back up ur claim nor does a melee tank who is 1 global behind a ranged tank ever have better opening threat.
They do, though. You do know Bear burst is extremely high, right? Berserk is nuts. There’s a reason so many top guilds swapped to them.
(I actually tried to attach logs here, won’t let me)
Just go to the top Speedrun listing. It breaks down top used roles. Very simple breakdown of Tanks there. For Horde it’s Warrior > Druid (Very close) and for Ally it’s Paladin > Druid (Also very close). Druid is usually the MT
This bear is literally near top DPS for quite a while near after the pull begins which is insane, which very high threat multipliers on Mangle after the changes, and by the end the lacerate is stacked to 5 and hes miles above anyone by that point.
“Once again” means you’ve said it before. Also, the #2 Guild uses a Druid MT. So does the #3 Guild. And the #4 Guild has one as off tank.
Then why statistically is that literally not true? They’re the 2nd most used tank in speedrunning, usually MT too. Highest burst, highest sustained threat, highest offensive cooldowns, 2nd highest defensive cooldowns, one of the highest utility classes in the game on top if, extremely mobile, fastest tank at swapping to OS for Cat DPS, I can keep going on
There’s a reason SO many speed runners end up running bear
// Had to delete another log link here. Was showing the tank distribution. Just go to wcl site then go to Speedrunners for SoD, will show what I’m talking about.
Actually Warlock is one of the least played tanks in speedrunning lol
Yes, that’s considered a very strong advantage, as I mentioned earlier. They can also Dual Spec if they want to but a lot of speedrunners don’t like Dual Spec mid-run
I am a cat. I pull threat on our Shaman tank right now. When I tank nothing comes remotely close to me, not even our Shaman. My threat makes the Shaman look like a DPS trying to catch up lol.
You might be surprised to hear that most speedrunners run Bear this phase and also parse 99s
I double checked and I am right. The top 3 guilds on horde are using lock/shammy and top 3 on ally have paly 1 has a druid. It’s crazy how u think being 1 global ahead isnt a big deal. You just don’t understand that. That’s fine. Looking at kill times only 1 guild who is getting sub 45 seconds kill times is using a druid tank. Non but mine have a warrior tank. And we only have a sub 45 fankriss. Sorry ur shammy tank is bad at the game and can’t use his global advantage to hold threat. Idk what ur smoking to say warrior tank is top tier. Also you use 1 tank on all but 1 fight in aq. U only use 2 tanks on twins. I also think we’re talking about different things. Are you talking about fastest kill times or fasted full raid clears? On kill times paly>shammy>lock is the most used. On full clears it’s paly>shammy>druid. With over 40% being paly. Also there is only 1 log of a bear solo tanking trio if u aren’t solo tanking/2 healing AQ bosses the ur def not pushing sub 45 seconds kill times on bosses. Or 1 rotating cthun