Druid tanking Prince

An individual on the forums

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Yeah :frowning: i MT the entire raid and can’t do last boss. Am sad.


Next post: “do you know who I am? I’m a pretty big deal around these here parts.”


I think Shield Wall may want a word with you…

For the OP, strong cooldowns help a lot in Phase 3. Try and get your hands on Moroe’s Pocket Watch - it’s a super strong “on use” for phase three prince.

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Shield Wall will lose that argument.

Paladins, outside of latency, can’t be crushed on Prince.

Even with Dual Wield and Parry Trigger Haste it still doesn’t happen with 8 charges every 10s.

Shield Wall will drop in short order…then a Warrior is facing Dual Wield + Thrash + Amp + Parry Haste + Sunder + Crushes for 60% of the fight.

Phases 2 and 3 are basically identical except for the axes. This difference is Cooldowns are saved for the end to shorten Phase 3.

Shield Wall simply isn’t long enough in duration to offset the crushes a Warrior will face for over half the fight.


Because they have shield block value and because of that made better tanks for certain fights. Not all fights, just different encounters work better on different classes / tanks.

And Disarm, checkmate! (Update - this doesn’t actually work on Prince)

But yeah, Prince was tough for us but we got it done by stringing cooldowns: Disarm>Pocketwatch>Shieldwall

Druids have less options here too.

Edit: Tried using Disarm again tonight and it didn’t work. Had work logs this time too and Prince is definitely immune.


Paladins can very easily tank P2 Prince without auto-attacking, thereby negating the possibility of parry-haste.

Warriors can too, but it requires the raid to AFK in P1 in order for the Warrior to get a sufficient threat lead.

Only 30% of the fight - P3 Prince doesn’t dual wield.

The different tanks have different strengths and weaknesses.

If one were to design a fight that was specifically designed for a Paladin’s strengths (and for Druid/Warrior weaknesses), one would arrive at exactly Prince P2.

Find a raid boss that stuns the MT and you’ll find that Druids are the best one for that boss. See Morogrim Tidewalker.

And he’s susceptible to disarm for the dual wield portion of the fight.

For druids, If you have a dps warrior you can get them to switch stance and disarm. If they do it from behind it can’t be dodged or parried too.

I’ve done it fine 2 weeks in a row on my druid.

Maybe my healers are really good but it didn’t feel like I was in any real danger.

14662 hp unbuffed
415 defense
22969 armor (68.51% damage reduction)


Even though a Paladin can tank Illidan, they are far far weaker than a Warrior doing it as an example. And it involves changing talents, moving from pure avoidance to SBR, etc to make up for the ~11% loss of base miss.

The Dual Wield isn’t fun. But its Thrash that will kill you.

Prince is akin to the 3 Thrash Drakes in BWL…they are probably the most dangerous of all the bosses because Thrash is random and provides 2 extra attacks.

Its the nature of Thrash…providing more damage through attacks…them removing Shield Block to remove guarentee’d blocks, and then of course your now facing 15% to get crushed. Its that combination that’s dangerous.

You can address some of that, but a Paladin due to the improved nature of Holy Shield, simply doesn’t have to deal with that…on this particular fight.

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That’s fair, though I think it’s good to demonstrate some of the tools and tricks we do have in such discussion. Sometimes a class deficiency can be covered for by others in the raid, or specialised items and procs.

Warriors are like Priests.

They have the full toolbox at their disposal. Every type of debuff, shout utility, defensive timers. and so on.

It’s very rare for a Warrior not to be able to make an effective tanking contribution in a given situation.

Even Hyjal trash involves a Warrior Debuffing the packs coming down the hill into Paladin AE with Demo and Thunderclap.

All 3 tanks complement one another in a raid.


Aww… you’re too sweet!
That’s high praise from you, thank you!

You can think this if you like… but you’d be wrong…


Phase 2 is nasty because you can and will chunk 10-12k a “swing” if he lands all four. Get him debuffed, disarmed, Thunderclap, etc. Save Heroism for this phase and CDs like Pain Suppression as well.

Remember that Curse of Weakness is 350 AP reduction, which is better than either untalented Demoralizing Shout or Demoralizing Roar, and that AP reductions are ultimately multiplicative so it makes a huge difference.

I tanked him on my warrior a couple nights ago… I wasn’t able to disarm him p2. Was this fixed or was I just unlucky?

build threat with lots of head room in phase 1 and stop attacking in phase 2 so you dont get parried to death.

Our druid successfully tanked Prince last night.

LOL so you care about basically everything then?

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Druid still isnt scaling super hard yet, its a lot better to have your pally or warr MT prince for the second phase to stop crushes. It is doable but you can get rekt by rng. I’d imagine at 4 piece set its a breeze, but obviously if you outgear something, everything is a breeze. Might just be a good example of some of the early issues you experience as a druid without any real defensive CDs.