Druid talent suggestions

If nothing else the position of “Budding Leaves” should be swapped with “Master Shapeshifter” and “Liveliness” Choice node to allow “Dream of Cenarius” proper usage. As someone who has always been interested in playing Druid but lately deferred to Mistweaver for ‘Fistweaving’ I am thrilled by the addition of Dream of cenarius and talents that make active damage passive heal for resto. But why stop at a half measure? Mistweaver and disc priest both have this play style to full effect with 100% uptime and paladin has holy wings with a strong short Cd for damage healing in addition to glimmer. Similarly there should be ways to make the resto druid talent investment into hybrid damage healing feel worth it. Dream of Cenarius should also interact with full combo point abilities/the eclipse mechanic of balance perhaps proc a rejuv or the heal over time from regrowth. In addition a suggestion to lean further into this would be a change to the interaction with “Natures Vigil” by adding a choice node for Vigil to enable damage over time effects to heal for a percentage of the damage of each “tic”, and call it something like leeching soil. Final suggestion is, why is it that both feral and guardian can cast regrowth instantly in form? Either Natures swiftness should be augmented to be procable by a 5 combo point attack similar to feral in addition to the 1 min cooldown or the modifying talent to omen for resto should add this capability. It makes no sense the 2 hybrid specs have proficiency in restoration spells to cast them in form but restoration does not.