Druid Soulshape macro not working

I’ve created this macro for casting Soulshape when a modifier is applied (or I don’t have the Wild Charge talent), Flicker whilst in Soulshape, and Wild Charge otherwise.

#showtooltip [form:41,nomod] Flicker; [talent:2/3,nomod] Wild Charge; 
/cast [form:41,nomod] Flicker; [talent:2/3,nomod] Wild Charge; Soulshape

The macro casts Soulshape and Wild Charge just fine, but whilst in the Soulshape form, it’s attempting to cast Wild Charge rather than Flicker despite not having any modifiers active.
When pressing a modifier, it then lets me cast Flicker.
Does anybody know why this is happening?

/script print(GetShapeshiftFormID())

Is returning 41 as the form ID which looks to be what I’m meant to be using for the form conditional.

/cast [nomod,form:7] Flicker; [nomod,talent:2/3] Wild Charge; Soulshape

41 sounds very wrong for the form number. I’m guessing that the formID is not the same as the form number you need for macros.

Use this instead:

/dump GetShapeshiftForm()

7 is the most common form for it, but it can vary based on what other forms you have available.

That did the trick thanks :slight_smile: