Druid RP question

so I’ve been planning on getting back into RP as of late when I’m not raiding or running dungeons, and I have a worgen druid for roleplay. One of the things I’m curious about is it just a cat form he can take for his feral form, or for roleplay reasons could he take on the form of something else that would mimic cat form like a wolf or worg.

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Short Answer:

Assuming you can find a way to justify it, and perhaps depending on how you do it, I doubt too many folks will give you crap for it.

Long (slightly rambly) Answer:

I imagine this would come down to training. Most sources for training, I’d imagine, specifically channel the spirit of a cat for the purposes that form is used for. The Kul’Tiran ‘cat form’ is apparently meant to be a wolf, however, so one can assume this isn’t quite unmalleable, though considering how many factions of Druids who focus on shapeshifting use the cat for the purposes that form is utilized for, I’d imagine it’d be rather peculiar to deviate.

I feel it might also be prudent to point out that the entire existence of the Worgen Curse can be traced back to Druids taking on lupine forms they were unable to control. Granted, I only assume the original Pack Form was morphologically a relatively normal worg. Mentions seem to lean toward it being what Worgen currently look like, and one could speculate that trait about it was part of why it was so hazardous. I personally never quite understood why some animal’s forms are seemingly more of a risk to emulate than others but, barring a blatant retcon I never learned of, that just seems to be case in this setting; but I digress.

On a related note, though they’re separated in game into different specs, the cat and bear forms arguably serve such similar purposes that they could, in general, be used interchangeably.

I’m not well versed in druid lore, but, worgens themselves are the result of a failed attempt at controlling the wolf form (pack form) and that issue has never been solved, as it stands right now, the pack form can’t be used by any druid because Goldrinn is a douche and apparently turning into a wolf connects you to him.

So lorewise, your catform can’t be a wolf form, but there are other types of cat forms you can get technically.

The feral form for each race varie.

The default worgen feral form DOES have a bit of wolf in it as it is. Just like how the Kul Tiran forms have Drust infusions in them.