Druid - rest/balance off spec Lfg

Long story short.

I gave up wow at the end of wotlk. Seemed like every guild I joined fell apart over hardmode king fight.

My history before was always a holy paladin up until sunwell. So I had a lot of fun with end game raids. I was typically a raid healer, and back up tank healer.

Switch in wotlk to Druid for versatility and a challenge. Found it rewarding and harder than it seemed.

I am getting back late. I have previous experience, but hoping to find a guild that will take on a returning player that doesn’t need to be carried, but will assist to gearing up for the end of the expansion, and on to the next.

I’m reliable, dependable, a quick study, and drama free. I don’t have tantrums over loot, I don’t engage in toxic situations with players. I come on, I do my job, we have fun, down a boss. Etc. Again, I don’t want to be carried, I do like to pull my weight, and I’m competitive. So gear is my issue atm, but I am confident that I can’t get that quick, study fights virtually, via twitch/youtube, so I come in educated. Ready/preapred/on time.

I am willing to boost any healing class to fit, but currently have a Druid as my main.

I do use a personalized ui, addons, and more. Macros for sure, to help achieve mechanics needed while being able to properly communicate on the fly without shouting on discord.

Briefly about myself.

I run two successful barbershops, I travel globally to educate, two sponsors in real life, soon a third. I’ve been on tv, magazines, etc.

I have strong work ethic, perseverance, dedication, and fully commit to my goals and aspirations.

I’m coming back for something fun, escape my world, and join like minded people to conquer end game challenges.

My schedule is some what flexible, i do prefer raiding on weekends and evenings. I do work 6 days a week, and may be away for the odd weekend. Chances are I wouldn’t miss any raids. But should I be unable, I would notice the guild before hand. And explain. I also have a gaming laptop, so traveling and playing will allow me to log on, and be a cooperative player.

If this feels like I’m a fit? Reach out.
Currently on thunderlord, and trich. I am willing to transfer, and or boost a toon to 70 to fit.

Thanks, and good luck with your gaming!

Hi Shamtauro!

Hi everyone! I’m Kiuayoukai, a cheeky Pandaren Resto Shaman, and proud assistant GM of the guild/community Found a Green Quest on Zul’jin.

Our guild has been around since 2018 founded by my husband Jarsha and myself with our visions of being a social/casual and active community regardless of what members are interested in. Our guild is thriving; however, we are in need of recruiting more friends for Season 3 and future expansions and you’re invited! Whether you are a new player, returning player, or and alt looking for a place to call home.

We are a laid-back casual guild for adults who play when they can while keeping the social aspect of the game alive. We believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for timewalking/heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. With a Saturday raid team focused on Normal difficulty/Timewalking raids for those looking to experience the raid in a stress-free environment with a group of friends or for people who have never raided before and are looking to learn or just run an extra raid that week on one of their alts.

We are looking to rebuild our Primary raid team with the goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier. Times are Thursday/Friday 7:30PM EST – 10:00PM EST

Regardless of what content you enjoy, you are welcome to take flight with us and enjoy the game. Come join us!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

We’re listed in the guild finder in game or you can reach me here or on discord: kiuayoukai

Thank you for taking the time to check out our recruitment. We wish you the best of luck this tier & future tiers to come!

Hello Shamtauro! I came across your post and wanted to respond! That was a very well written post and I welcome you back to the game! I am the guild leader of a fairly new guild on Illidan called Everlasting Vengeance. We are a very friendly and social guild that focuses on Mythic+ and Aotc raiding. We are 9/9 heroic and looking to expand our roster.

We are a smaller guild currently but actively recruiting players at all levels of the game. Veteran, CE, returning, it makes no difference! Even though we are a laid back/casual guild we still like to get things done. All founding members are Aotc for the past 3 seasons and 2500+ mythic rating. Our raid days are Wednesday and Saturday from 8:30PM to 10:30PM EST.

We are all very friendly and social on discord, both in and out of the game. Rather than just becoming another number for the raid we actually like to get to know our guildies. If this sounds like something your looking for please reach out to me on Bnet or Discord.

Discord - Crassix
Bnet - JTMack#1968

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Hiya Shamtauro!

We may be a fit for you! And we are currently in need for heals on our raid team!

Here is our info:

Tattered Remains
Area 52

Want a permanent raid spot?
Looking for a laid back guild?
Need assistance with leveling, gearing or class/spec questions? Or maybe just somewhere to hang and chat?

Tattered Remains is accepting all levels, Classes and Specs!

About Our Guild:
We are a small guild (returning, been back full swing for 3 months) working towards building for the new expansion.

We are an adult only guild (If you are easily offended, we may not be the guild for you)

We are currently running Myhtic+
Normal 9/9 (alt & new mbr gearing)
Heroic Raiding 7/9 (currently pugging into groups) Working towards Mythic Raiding.

What We Are looking for:
• Not easily offended
• Socializing
• Patient with new members and rebuilding guild (If you choose you can assist as well)
• Communication
• Willing to learn and participate (even teach/guide)
• Available for raid (life happens so give notice unless extreme emergency)
• Mythic+ not mando. But recommended if you want to get into Mythic Raiding.

We would like to get back to the glory days of smashing content and climbing charts. Having guild events, farming mounts, PvP, and working on achievements.

Heals: OPEN (Excluding Sham, Pali)
Melee: OPEN (Excluding Pali)
Ranged: OPEN

Raid Days & Times
10 Pm Est (Server) 7 Pm Pst Start time.
1 Am Est (Server) 10 Pm Pst Stop time.
(Or longer dependent on everyones spirits)

Daily if you choose to join.

If you have any questions please reach out to me at:
Bnet: Splicer6#1113
Disc: Splicer666

Can also join New Community
Tattered Remains, to chat! Or apply in game!

Hey G! Settle Down on Stormrage is looking to fill our M+ raiding roster. We are currently 9/9H. We raid Tues & Sun from 8pm - 10:30pm EST.

A resto druid with a dps off spec is a high prio for us!

We are a group of adults that understand work/life/gaming balance and want to have fun downing some bosses!

Reach out and we can chat more!
Tempyi - Recruiting Lead
BTag: Syrtis#1374
Discord: syrtis1


Immortal Paradox can and will help give me a shout and let talk BN- scudder80#1206


Thank you so far for the info.

Again, looking for a group that’s focus on end game content, not so much casual or part time.

Ideal guild would:

  • have interest in having a Druid healer or off spec dps
  • Can see past the gear, and notice the player. Given an opportunity to shine, I will pull my weight and be an amazing team mate
  • They will progress into the next expansion and quickly build a reputation of being one of the best on their server (not necessarily the best but I am competitive)
  • Raid times would have to be evening est, or equivalent to night time est. preferably weekend and Mondays. Not limited to those.
  • are ready for me to transfer of and join immediately
  • can and will assist immediately gearing up to complete their team, and help develop their ideal raid group for ultimate success.

If this sounds good? Reply and leave details.
Thank you

Will dm today

Immortal Paradox is looking for a couple dps to fill our heroic raid team if your interested lets talk

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Hi there! You sound like you would fit in with our culture as a Guild :slight_smile: Would you be down to chat more on Discord?

here’s our copy pasta:

We are an adult AOTC Raid/Social/M+ Guild.

We have 2 Rules: Don’t be toxic and have fun!

  • Weekly Heroic/Normal Raid
  • Weekly Guild Achievements
  • Weekly Guild Events (Xmogs, Mount Farms, PvP)
  • Very Active Discord

Current Guild Raid Prog: 9/9H 1/9M

Raid Team needs:
Tanks - Full, Accepting Backups/Fill in’s at this time.
Healers - Full, Accepting Backups/Fill in’s at this time.
Melee DPS - All Classes Welcome
Ranged DPS - All classes welcome (Bonus points for Ele Shaman or Mage)

M+ Keys – Recruiting all classes/specs for M+ keys. We have an active Keys community as well!

DM me on Discord if you’re interested: Raemynn

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Will dm today - still looking but will chat with those above for more details.

Quick bump. Haven’t decided. Still interested in joining a guild.

The Clique is a friendly, casual, heroic raiding guild on the alliance side of the Norgannon server. We also have a guild community so we can cross faction into raids and M+. We have been around sense early in Burning Crusade. A lot of our core members have known one another for a long time, and we offer a stable, friendly environment to new raiders or seasoned raiders that want a break from hardcore environments.
We are currently are recruiting for raiding once Dragon Flight hits. We raid 9:45pm to 12:45am CST on Tuesday and Sunday. We are currently looking for some range dps to round out our raiding team. Our guild boasts quite a few west coast members, a few night owls, and a few parents who find time to play after their kids have gone to sleep.
In general, we are a group of people that play wow because we enjoy the people we play with and we have a lot of fun together raiding.
If you are interested in joining us or have any questions please feel free to contact anyone in the guild. My battle tag is Hadorya#1497 on discord at Hadorya #3191.

If you are still looking…
OathBound Chaos - Stormrage is an AOTC foused guild. The guild is ran by a group of lifelong friends who in Oct 2023 decided to rebuild the guild together.

Our raid schedule is Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST
Our current progression is 9/9N and 7/9H AtDH
Our goal is to hit AOTC at a reasonable pace and then dabble in something mythic after.
Our current raid team all roles!

If you are not interested in raiding you are still welcome to join us and hang out. People do run keys daily and it is a very socially active guild.

Join us in discord for more information:

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Hi, we are Last Pull on Kel’Thuzad, and yes, we consistently kill new bosses on the last pull of the night. Our raid schedule is Wednesday/Thursday 8:30-11 EST (5:30-8 PST, 6:30pm-9pm MST, 7:30-10 CST).

We have gotten AOTC every tier in Dragonflight and have made the push into Mythic raiding recently. We are a “real life first” guild full of experienced raiders who enjoy pushing progression on our limited schedule.

We have kept a solid core roster since our guild started about 5 years ago, and are looking for a few more great players to round us off due to the stricter Mythic raid size requirement. We’re always eager to welcome more players who are looking for a long term guild to grow with and kill some bosses.

Guild members run M+ most days as well, with multiple players above 3k RIO and the vast majority of raiders having KSH. Several of us are previous Mythic raiders who got old and wanted to take it a little easier, so it has a very “dad guild” type atmosphere (we also have multiple moms too!). Now we are itching to go a little further with how well our team is doing, while still keeping the same laid back guild atmosphere that our members love.

We are currently recruiting the following:

High Priority
DPS Warrior
Ranged hybrid willing to flex into healing
Healer willing to flex into ranged DPS

Moderate Priority
Shadow Priest
Aug/Devo Evoker
Ele Shaman

We encourage any great players to reach out to us even if your spec is not listed above. All we ask is that you work on your character and game knowledge, be willing to ask for or offer help, and be part of the team. We would prefer people who are already geared as we are currently progressing Mythic, but exceptional past logs will certainly be taken into consideration.

Please reach out if you think we’d be a good fit for you. You can contact either Beardo#11133 (BTAG) or Amerrol#1654 (BTAG).

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I hope to hear from you soon!


Hi G, I would be interested in chatting with you about joining our team. Our info is in my link below. Hit me up if you are interested at all. Thanks!

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Hey there!

I am interested in chatting with you about our guild if you are still looking for one! You can message me on discord: sheldiabla

Hope to hear from you!


hey im from magical on A52 we are a late night raiding guild with two teams ( aotc or mythic prog) if you would like to chat message :

discord: marloe
bnet : marloe#1118

hope to hear from you!

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Not looking for a carry. But I am looking for a guild that can fit in a hybrid. Not ready for mythic yet, I definitely need more gear and reps in heroic.

Willing to work, and no bs / drama kind of attitude. Here for fun, but I want to win!

Range dps / healer for raids. Evenings 8:30 pm est zone.
