I’d really like to see the druid class added to a few more races.
Earthen are already tied to the earth, as are dwarves and dark dwarves. Pandaren are nature oriented. Blood elves, supposedly an offshoot of night elves, have somehow becomes non-nature-related.
You and me and most druids. Especially Dracthyr, no reason they can’t. I’d race change to a Dracthyr in a heart beat.
We will probably get Harronir druids
Should just be Nelfs and Cows IMO, but we are past that point already lol
Blood elves, nightborne, pandaren, draenei, earthen, and dwarves (not dark iron) would be fun to see as druids. I could see dracthyr becoming druids as well. The races I would not like to see as druids would be Stormwind humans (not enough connection to nature), dark iron dwarves (shamans yes, druids no), gnomes (too technological), mechagnomes (double technological), vulpera (no druid traditions), orcs (defilers of Ashenvale), mag’har orcs (no druidic traditions amongst orcs on Draenor), goblins (will purposefully pollute as part of their extreme corporatist beliefs), lightforged draenei (too much connection to holy traditions), void elves (void isn’t really compatible with nature), and undead (they are divorced from the forces of Life and Nature by essence of their disgusting undead nature).
I’d love to see a really small one, like Vulpera or Gnome. Goblin would be cool, but probably makes no sense.
Edit: though from a purely aesthetic fun standpoint, I think undead offers the most possibility. I’d love to see a decrepit, hobbling bear or something.
Vulpera druids please, it just seems in this day and age players should be able to play what they want to play. We must be unburdened by what has been.
Now that the war is out of Warcraft, the craft part should be race and class diversity. Perhaps once the horde is done repairing this world from all the damage the alliance caused by ignoring their brothers and sisters in far off places, the trolls can teach the vulnerable the ways of the Druid.
I think it just boils down to time and money. And blizzard may not see it worthwhile to expand druid race options.
Dracthyr first
Then the rest.
I would race change my druid into a dwarf in a heartbeat if it were available.
You know, I’ve been thinking about this.
The Cenarion Circle has been around for a LONG time partnering with all sort of adventurers. Together with some facts like the Night Elves evolving to be more accepting to differences, or Horde races being more amicable to Alliance ones (which has always been the case in the Cenarion Circle anyway), I don’t see why not. Thought about some cases:
Humans: Not just for the fact that they seem to be very versatile and adaptible as a race, but they have been around Kul’tiran humans for quite a while, and observing also the fact that you could just be a… ‘regular human’ Kul’tiran that is a Druid.
Draenei: Again, their partnership with Night Elves is going around for quite a while. Would be interesting to see them also teaching NEs to become Shaman, or even ‘reforming’ the conscript primalists that are trying to re-join the Kaldorei society.
Blood Elves: I see a HUGE opportunity for a group of Blood Elves, maybe a sect from the Farstriders, to learn Druidism in an attempt to restore their homeland. The Ghostlands has been in that decrepit state for over 2 decades now. This seems quite predictable for Midnight, given what we know how their homeland will be a focus.
Gnomes: Look, if a Goblin can learn how to deal with nature’ elemental forces and beings to become a Shaman, why a Gnome can’t do a similar thing for Druidism? Imagine a group pledging to the Cenarion Circle for it. Ironically we also have a ‘Garden Gnome’ set datamined in 11.1. Might not be related to a possibility, but surely fits the fantasy.
Undead: Now, this seems to be a stretch, right? Except with more recent lore development, we know that undeath can be facilitated by any school of magic. Imagine what would be a Forsaken tapping into the ‘death’ aspect of the cycle of life from nature, wielding more obscure aspects of it, like funghi, who thrives on rotting matter to create new life. This can even be a really interesting plot point in that you may have some Druids completely abject to the idea of Forsaken Druids initially.
It is some work to enable Druids for more races, though. More models to be made… But that shouldn’t be really an excuse.
I’ve been wanting human and elf druids for years. I hope they add them sooner rather than later.
Dracthyr please. I need a green dracthyr druid in ysera’s brood
Yes, more please. Just more somehow, however, more. Thanks.
This may have been where the Drust storyline from shadowlands was going.
I’ll always support Dracthyr druids
I’m guessing the reason it hasn’t been done is the amount of work it would take to make all the different forms for each race etc. But I wish we had more options, I’m so tired of being a night elf and would pay for a race change in a heart beat if I could be a dwarf.
It’s been years since druids have had a races expansion. I can play almost any class on any race but the druids are so limited, and they are one of the original classes.
I don’t understand why the races selection hasn’t been expanded in all these years. Blizzard has created NPC druids of several different races over the years, but none playable.
I’d really like to see them get some attention, Vulpera and Panadarian make sence as they already animals and they are both in tune with nature.
But seriously Blizzard, if you’re listening. I’d throw my money at you so fast to not be a troll or cow and I know there are thousands of others like me with the same opinion.