Druid macro help

so i have just come back for bc classic and amd looking for help with my form macro for my forms i like to use modifier macros on a single button for all forms what i am currently using is

/cast [nomod] !Cat Form
/cast [mod:shift] !Travel Form
/cast [mod:alt] !Dire Bear Form
/cancelform [mod:ctrl]

which works great for everything i need i can power shift and of my forms when i like drop form when needed has all the forms on a single button what i am trying to do is add a caveot of having it swap to aquatic form while swimming instead of travel form when i use teh shift modifier but everything i try breaks the shift modifier for travel without adding the functionality i can only get auqatic or travel to work not both any suggestions would be appreciated

while thats col and all im looking for a specific thing cool page for sure however nowhere on that page does it cover mdofiier macros for forms nor does it help with what i am trying to do i need to add something very specific to a part of teh macro without breaking the rest hence why i was assking for specific help because no whre can i find this exact macro and i have looked at many pages about macros and modifier macros in specific

Use something like this with the shift modifier?

/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [noswimming] Travel Form

I don’t have a high enough druid to test with, but swimming is a conditional you can use:

So, something like:

/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form

Should work to cast Aquatic Form while swimming and Travel Form while not, without any modifiers.

Adding something like:

/cast [mod:shift, swimming] !Aquatic Form; [mod:shift] !Travel Form

To your macro should do the trick.

/cast [nomod] !Cat Form
/cast [mod:shift, swimming] !Aquatic Form; [mod:shift] !Travel Form
/cast [mod:alt] !Dire Bear Form
/cancelform [mod:ctrl]

Thank you frosto that did the trick, i had tried to write it up somewhat simalar but put extra brackets around simming isntead of putting them together my bad, havent played in about a year so my macro wwriting is a bit rusty heh thanx again though

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Tagging this for later. Will need these on my druid. Thanks Frost!

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Yeah, I misunderstood what you were trying to do.

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