Awesome model, please let druids be one at some point. Can have it be like the moonkin form where you mix and match yourself instead of having a preset skin. Or just give all skin options, w/e is easier. Thanks!
Amazing! I hope we get it
YESSS I love this idea! Such a good model.
Just coming back to add, I got the new lynx mount and it even uses the feral druid cat form roar animation as a mount special. What a tease.
Cmon blizz, so close yet so far!
this is the main reason i want blood elf druids. especially with the new models it would be so nice to just get this as cat form
If they release that for everyone without giving us belf druids, I’m gonna be upset.
I hope they give BE druids as well one day! I don’t believe Ion mentioned them NOT being druids like he did with mechagnomes and another race I can’t recall. I think BE has good reason in lore to have druids one day.
But I admit, I would take lynx form now and then BE later if it came down to it.
I would love to see lynx form given to all druids. I would do a happy dance if we could get 2-4 of the lynx shades.
I could also see them being used as the BE druid feral skin, but it would be nice to see druids have a lynx skin somewhere.
I need that dark gray one!
I agree, I would love something with moonkin form, where it is very customizable except with all the forms.
While it may be a bit extreme as well, I too wouldn’t mind all forms being unlocked for all druids. Make it like a quest for a troll druid to get a worgen druid form or something.
Yes PLEASE! These lynx are gorgeous!
If I could get a Mark of the Lynx like we got Marks from the Emerald Dream, I would be happy. I use the glyph that randomizes cat form, and that would be nice to see once in a while.
Love the way they look but, after using the mount, their run is kinda odd looking in the back. The huge feet I think is the issue. The model also appears to be based off the old cat model, like “Loque” the spirit beast cat. You can see how thin it’s neck is, just like Loque’s. Not being a downer or anything, just wish it was a bit different.
Oh, another druid forum for new form models that have been asked for the paste decade.
Clicks [<-]
(Edit: Yes, I support it, but I don’t think they’re going to)
No, you are right, when I got the mount too the first thing I noticed was those big ol back feet. Like you said, it is probably a model error due to it being on an old skeleton animation.
I like to think with a smaller form size it won’t be as noticeable.
It’s weird that they have a lot of models now that would probably be low hanging fruit for both druid forms and allied races, but they never go for those easy wins.
Maybe when/if we get the Harorinir (spelling?) as a playable race, we will see a few more druid forms added for everyone?
That would be sweet, Harronir are really awesome and blizz has been slipping their lore in even before TWW. They are a good candidate for another allied race.
Any new druid forms for TWW?