Druid + Hand of Justice

Does hand of justice proc work in cat form? Does it count as a melee attack?

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Not sure in classic, but Druid forms can’t get any procs in Vanilla. They can do the Use feature on weapons. But none of the procs.

komarimono is correct, no ‘on hit’ weapons will work in form

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*except moonkin

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Ok, am getting conflicting reports actually. Guild mate says someone has seen it proc on kitty? Could have sworn never had proc based weapons work on Bear/Kitty.

HoJ should work (in Classic). It’s true that weapon enchants (e.g. Crusader) do not proc in feral forms. However, on-hit trinkets do work. Can confirm Darkmoon:Heroism and Darkmoon:Maelstrom proc in feral form.

However, cannot confirm HoJ procs in feral form as I never had one.

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Anything that procs except weapons work in bear/cat.


Ya, keep forgetting HoJ is a trinket. It may work then, keep forgetting it’s weapon based that didn’t work. I blame the fact my dr00d was back up healer and warrior was my tank.

So procs work on all slots EXCEPT for a weapon…

Can someone 100% confirm this? The best in slot website says hand of justice is the best for cat druid and I dont wanna roll on it against a rogue or whatever if it doesnt work for cats…Seems like it does work though.

HOJ does not proc for feral

Are you sure? The best in slot website says HoJ is the best piece in trinket slot… I find it strange…

Has anyone tested and can confirm it doesnt work 100%?

You still have your trinkets equipped in feral forms, so they’ll proc.

You don’t have your weapon equipped (though you still have its base stat modifications). No weapon procs on hit, because you’re not hitting with the weapon.


Both HOJ and Ironfoe both proc in Cat/Bear form. I haven’t tested Ironfoe myself but I believe it’s coded the same as HOJ so the proc doesn’t recognize it was a “weapon proc”

The general rule is:

  • If it says “On-hit” then you won’t see a proc because you aren’t hitting with a weapon
  • If it says “Equip” then you will see a proc because it triggers off other generic events

Hand of Justice should work in forms just fine, and would be our 2nd BiS anyway for the AP bonus even if it didn’t. Ironfoe should not work and I would be very very unhappy about taking one for testing purposes.


I’ve read that since Hoj specifically says “chance on melee hit” as opposed to “chance on hit” that you’d normally see on weapons that it does in fact work for druids in shapeshift form.

It’s all in the wording. On melee hit being the key. Since an unarmed attack by any other class is considered a “melee hit” the same will apply to a feral druid while in cat/bear form.

A Google search tells me that it seems to proc with cat form.

EDIT: Removed link.

HoJ works for feral druids. The key part here is that it isn’t a proc from their weapon, as druids aren’t actually swinging their weapons and thus weapon procs wouldn’t work for them. It’s a trinket and procs off of melee attacks, which means it works with druid forms.

this makes sense. Ironfoe is a weapon, and thus the proc would be weapon based. HoJ is a Melee proc, thus works on drood melee hits.

i can confirm 100% that it DOES proc on feral, i have it and it procs and a lot!
im loving the trinket

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