Druid Glyphs are being removed in 9.1?

Glyph of the Steward incoming? (plz?)


But it’s outrage time! Don’t think, react!

Fact checks are for cowards.

News to me.

Yeah. Inscription is a great profession but only for glyph selling. It’s next to worthless for the cards etc they stuck in for Shadowlands.


Then again
 I get the impression they simply feel ANY profession that makes money (bar gathering) is bad and needs to be beaten down until its next to worthless ^^.

Dear Blizzard. Glyphs are fun. For the love of god, give us more of them.


If it weren’t for archaeology, I’d call inscription the redheaded bastard stepchild of WoW professions.

The fate of first aid would probably grant that profession the title, though. “Mass amnesia, everyone forgets how to do first aid, only tailors can make bandages now because that makes even less sense.”

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It’s already how it is. The glyphs are currently redundant.

So misleading because of misinformation.

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I wonder though
if this is the direction its going, what happens to inscription?
They already removed First Aid. I could see them removing even more at this point just for not wanting to have to invest the time creating the content.

It died when it ceased being performance affecting and became purely cosmetic

It isnt. It was presented on the forums and was from the players perspective. OP was confused that doesnt mean they were intending to spread misinformation.

My point being it lead to being informative for those of us out of the loop.

The title says

Druid Glyphs are being removed in 9.1?

Thats a question not a statement and the OP links where he got the info from
he was asking
not stating it as fact and said RIP cheetah form because it was from a more trusted source like wowhead. I didnt read the article as the post itself cleared things up.

Mischaracterizations are so common though from others in response to this kind of thing but Ill hit the reply button anyway.


wait, what?

edit: Nevermind, my brain works super gud.


Dang it, I LOVE my cheetah. RIP Druid then.

Pretty sure this does not mean travel form variants are going away guys. You’ll probably be able to learn the appearance with a toy from some NPC.

What this DOES mean
is that inscription is just slightly less useful now. Which is always just PEACHY KEEN.

So if glyphs are gone
 why have inscription?

IDK why the ION team hates professions so much

Or at least just the old ones back under the new system

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Wont these just be folded into the barber shop?

I mean they really should be.


The only information I had with the barbershop and druid forms was the Bear, Feral and Flight. So as far as misinformation the only thing I DID NOT know was the addition of Marks for Travel and Aquatic form because they didn’t show up on as barber options.

Hardly worth calling misinformation.

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Only problem is when I messed around w/ the barber, I lost my dual mount ability I earned in Legion. I haven’t been able to get it back. Blizz pls think things through and be thorough

Iirc, there is an npc in your order hall you need to talk to in order to change back to your two seater owl flying form.

Can the barber also add fire to my Warrior’s feet when he charges? :thinking: