Hey all, thanks for taking the time to read through and possibly help. 
My question is simple:
I missed Legion content, didn’t play the thing.
I want to know - in an as clear cut format as humanly possible - what my available Druid forms and colors/recolours are as well as WHICH of the Legion forms I should actually strive to get.
I’ve searched WoWHead and Icy Veins as well as forums but I have failed to find a simple answer.
Please help!
Everything is available except the Mage Tower Werebear/Sparkle Kitty form and all its re-colors. Since you don’t have the Base unlocked. The rest depends on the time you want to sink.
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Which you should strive for depends on which appearances you like. No one else can answer that, but there are two easy ways for you to look through them and make those choices. You can either visit The Dreamgrove, equip the appropriate artifact, and click on the Seed of Ages, or you can visit this link for Wowhead’s tool.
The second row from the bottom (Might of the Grizzlemaw/werebear for guardian, Ghost of the Pridemother/sparkle kitty for feral) cannot be obtained unless one beat the appropriate challenge back before the Mage Tower was removed. All of the other rows can still be collected.
For my own personal preferences, I rather like the Moonspirit for feral and first, third, and bottom rows for guardian. A big, neon blue laser bear (Avatar of Ursol) is pretty hard to miss!
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I just hopped on the PTR to check out what was available to me. Happy to see Bear/cat forms. Sad to see a lot of older forms aren’t making it. Would be nice to switch say, tree of life’s (I think there’s been 4 over the years?). Or travel (cheetah/stag and seal/killer whale). And it’d be nice to go outside your race for bird form (or pick between epic speed and normal for the races that had them) or moonkin.
There are the base class forms you get from completing your class hall. Besides that you have the hidden appearance, which drops off Ursoc in Emerald Nightmare, the Honor appearance, which you get from grinding honor levels, and the Balance of Power appearance.
With an artifact equipped you can go to the forge (sprout) in the class hall and see your unlock options.
This is the red honor tint, also comes in baby blue, rust, and green.
Here is Rainbow Bear Squad One doing Darkheart Thicket in the Balance of Power forms:
The hidden appearance looks like you crawled inside a carcass and it grew that way.
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Everything but mage tower ones. Legion questline was awesome. Get to see malfurion bunch of times and cenarius. There is a hidden feral form you can get too. When you Telenor to dream way if you get a message about a specific zone you must go there and find a owl stone. Do that 3 times and you get form.