Druid forms

Hi so I just started playing a druid and I got the druid story forms and I have the raven from Stormwind is there any other forms you can get that I don’t have to make that are not hard to get? there are none on the auction house.

You can buy some forms from the Auction House. Moth being an example.

Every time I look at the auction house there are none I don’t know

So, druid forms come from a variety of places. Most bear and cat forms are going to be unlocked through the Legion artifacts. Travel forms (flight, stag/cheetah, and seal) will have either glyphs or glyph-like things that you can learn. All of these can be then toggled through the barbershop. I’d start with looking up the Legion shapes, and if you’re searching on the AH can either look at druid glyphs, or search for “mark of” which will bring up the glyph-like options.

Just doing a search right now? I’d say you’ve got your choice of them.