Druid Forms. - Unfinished Class

Yeah, no. Pre-patches aren’t considered part of the previous expansion simply because they changed the entire game. It’s the same reason classic is based on patch 1.12 instead of the 2.0.3 TBC pre-patch. If you can’t understand why now, then you must think full time college students are still high schoolers.

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Yeah that’s the way I feel about it too, for some reason people view this differently than we do and consider the content release the next game even if the game it self has changed entirely.

Are you really going with the “my truth” argument over something this trivial? It doesn’t matter what you “consider” an expansion to be. The claim was that Druid trees were split in Cata, which is verifiably true based off release dates regardless of how you feel about it.

And that’s all there is to say about such a trivial topic. I’ll just preemptively ignore you since I’m sure you’re not done feeling bad about facts.

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Lol, some one is butt hurt over being incorrect. Patch 4 vs 5. I wonder if there is some sort of reason? Is it because they released some of the new content of the new expansion? Most definitely.

Developers don’t think that way. Who could be more correct than actual developers?

That would completely and utterly break warlock DPS early on and would make them far inferior to mages.20mp5 is only 3 more max rank starfires per minute.Ironically your change would result in a zero dps improvement thanks too fights being so short.

haste doesn’t exist as we think of it and would also completely break feral DPS by increasing it’s OoC procs when stacked with MCP. Cats don’t actually need more movement speed.

Pointless change as it would add 5% parry on the low end and sweet stuff all at the top end. Bears would still be crittible and they’re still going to lack from gear upgrades with parry on them.

Leave back seat developering to people who actually use spreadsheets etc and have a good grasp on class mechanics as a whole rather than your purile attempt at “Buff me blizzard bro”

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just let me use feral charge when in enter form not wait for laggy furor to tick 1 second later

Just wait until Wrath where you can play Boomkin and suffer in silence as you spam wrath for 10 seconds without a crit.

Feral is the 3rd best dps class with a battle rez but it’s a meme… Ok please get help for your drinking of alcohol

LOL, so my bear only gained 4k health in 10 levels? I can hit 10k RIGHT NOW IN BWL GEAR with world buffs, no flask.

10k is what an average geared level 70 walks around with, my druid as a moonkin in pvp gear had 12k HP.

I was there, I played the whole thing and remember my stats, 1200 damage SP 1500 healing in pvp and heroic gear, 1700 healing in my raid set.
www.mmo-champion -Health-pools-over-expansions

Please don’t make comments about expansions you didn’t actually play.

Hey look at me. I had 15 years of data showing perceived shortfalls in a class. So I played one to 60 anyway and now whine about perceived shortfalls.


From what I remember if you want to be a COMPETITIVE kitty, you need crap tons of major mana pots, wolfshead helm, and to power shift shred -> 5 point ferocious bite spam. It’d tedious and can end up cramping your hands though. Don’t forget pummeler farms too- even your flask is the mana one simply because you burn through so much mana power shifting.

It’s only for those who are really serious about it with all the consumables… Hope they’re an alchemist.

As others have mentioned. Manual Crowd Pummler and Wolfshead helm are huge boosts.

World buffs can easily increase your overall DPS by 50%.

Huh? Macroes exist. They work so well you can even use health/mana pots and be back in form instantly with one button press. The only tough part is not pressing the macro during a global.

They are downright nasty in BGs.

Technically Ziryus is correct.

But those patches were live tests of the new talents for the next expansion.

95% of the time in Cata we had typical talent trees.

And ferals in Cata, especially in Heroic 10 mans were ridiculously overpowered.

It shouldn’t give you carpal tunnel :stuck_out_tongue:

In short fights you will powershift alot. But in longer fights there is only so much shifting you can accomplish even with Major mana pots and Nights Dragons Breath added to regen and base mana pool.

Just remember to keep your Pshifts bunched up so you can spirit regen to recharge on longer fights. With raid buffs that spirit adds up.

What kills cat dps in raids is three fold.

Shred scaling is insufficient as content progresses.

Cats have no way of dealing with glancing blows. Using an MCP makes that glaringly evident if your data parser shows it. A 14% loss of white damage hurts cats like it does Shaman and Paladins…the difference is cats have no racials to utilitize to deal with it.

Thirdly is weapon itemization. Cat DPS, sans Natural Weapons, the cat version of weapon damage talents, is about 55 DPS. Items like Blessed Qiraji War Hammer is meant to alleviate that with raw AP…adding 20 DPS making cat 75 DPS in total. The problem is the AP values are too low measured against 85 DPS weapons and also the remaining stats are horrid given the item level.

All feral would need is Feral AQ books mainly shred and we would do much better. Resto imo is better than most give credit

The biggest issue is that DW is too broken and rogues and warriors get a way to haste too.

Hey Zuggler,

Thanks for your link to a post with people making their best recollections.

Please feel free to peruse my armory on Brickston, a paladin. You will find through my achievements and dates on my achievements that I was in fact a top tier raider.

I was in of Andorhal, a top US 50 guild through TBC. I was also in of Lightninghoof, also a top US 50 guild in TBC both had pre-nerf M’uru kills as well.

I’m not sure where you’re getting your math from. A starting bear in Kara gear had 12.5kish health, by the end of T4 about 14k. In T5 add on about 3k, and then the end of T6 another 2.5k-3k.

Our bear tank, Llamallama on Brutallus had about 21.5k health with food/flask/stam gems/enchants. You can find the video archived on warcraftmovies if you prefer.

I’m very very sorry that your unable to recall information properly. In fact, I found an easily accessible high def video for you on youtube from SK Gaming on their Brutallus kill.

You can see their bear main tank’s (Azzie) health bar at 2m19s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gAQjX1oK6E

You will notice his max health was 21,903. They were exceptionally geared and min maxed. I do appreciate your attempt at making me look like I’m not 100% positive on what I’m talking about. Unfortunately, facts say otherwise.

Additionally, in SK Gaming’s other youtube videos of various sunwell fights you can see their tanks never really get above 22k.