Druid forms question

When do you think blizzard will allow us to get all the old druid forms like werebear or unlock the PVP honor forms so PVE players can get them? would be really nice to get all the forms again. For that matter would getting the DHT bear form be possible?

Would be amazing for RP if anything. I am currently doing some soft RP as Glaidalis the archmage in DHT. I even have weakauras that say the phrases in Yell chat when I use my cooldowns. @blizzard

I don’t think they’ll change the PvP forms since they can still be obtained and can be easier than you think - mostly EBGs for the big honor gains without needing to be very geared.

As for the old forms - you got felbear from the MTs. Others are unlikely since they were limited to Legion.

Claws of Ursoc has the form you’re after that matches that boss in DHT.

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I meant the festerhide bear the ones that spawn the walking corruption puddles. Definetly want that one. Doesnt 80 honor level take a LONG time by the way?

80? yes, though i did one season of pvp in my whole time playing this game and hit 50 so i’m sure 2 seasons should do it i think

Depends on how much you like pvp.

Ya i think its about time to just let us unlock it another way…