Trying to become an optimal big brain druid, wondering how everyone handles their multiple forms? Do you just use a skill to change into a different form? Or manually turn the form?
Trying to stand out among other druids.
Trying to become an optimal big brain druid, wondering how everyone handles their multiple forms? Do you just use a skill to change into a different form? Or manually turn the form?
Trying to stand out among other druids.
click on the forms in the bottom left, duh
I currently use F1-F4 for my binds. Took a second to get used to it, but quickly being able to swap to travel > wild charge > moonkin in dungeons has come in really clutch.
I just keybind the form lol.
I used to have a lot of macros when power shifting was a thing, but now all you really need is just the standard form button. The only thing extra I add is a /cancelform macro that I bind to shift+G so I can easily get out of forms with a single button press instead of having to press the button for whatever form I’m in.
I use the normal f1-4 keys to shapeshift. The only macro’s I run are mouse over macros for healing.
So my mouse has two buttons on the side of it. It actually has 8 buttons in all. I macro each form to those 2 buttons on the side. For example: moonkin form is button one, bear is shift button one, travel is button two, cat is shift button two.
I don’t bind treant form or mount form as they aren’t needed imo.
i have Logitech G600 so
cat(G8) and travel(G7) on mouse
bear( < ) on keyboard
Tip: If bear form, you can auto-shake roots by canceling bear form and using Stampeding Roar. Cancel form does not incur a global, and Stampeding will instantly place you back in bear.
I don’t know if you can macro this same effect for cat PvP on dash, TF, and Prowl, to auto shake snares and roots, even when in cat form and these buttons are activated.
same with Tiger’s Fury for cat form in feral spec