Here’s the macro
/cast [stance2,combat] Wild Charge;[nostance,combat] Cat Form; [stance:1] Cat Form; [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl
It used to work, but currently, if I go into combat in caster, it’s not shifting to cat and I’m failing to find my mistake.
I just tested your macro and it was stuck wanting to Wild Charge. I’ve always used ‘form’ instead of ‘stance’ so changed it to the below and it worked as expected.
(I also added ‘stealth’ as an or condition to the ‘Wild Charge’ portion to get rid of the ‘?’ when prowling, delete if it doesn’t suit your purpose).
/cast [form:2,combat][stealth] Wild Charge;[noform,combat] Cat Form; [form:1] Cat Form; [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl
You were missing a :
in that stance:2
I’d probably rearrange things to:
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] Prowl; [known:102401,form:2,combat] Wild Charge; Cat Form