the actual drop rates for a lot of the new forms arent confirmed but for rare mobs that drop the glyphs ive heard some people say you can only try it once a day but idk where they get that info from ? i still get loot from them just no glyph yet. can i still get it dropped if i farm it or do i have to wait 24 hours between each kill ?
I haven’t participated in the new content yet but I’m super excited for Druid bear form. Looks really good. I hope it’s as customizable as the BOOMKIN ! Omg the customizations for that now.
I’m guessing the rares are one kill per rare per a day, which wouldn’t be as awful if the respawn rates weren’t so terrible.
You’d think it would be high seeing as how druids have stared at the same bear form for like 7 years
per rare per day ? on a 4% drop rate ? and a 2 hour respawn timer ? that would be literally insane
I hate this to, I’m killing them all on 3 druids a day and going to finish leveling a 4th whos at 65, And its disappointing how low chance they seem to be. Get Druids all over excited and then its a ridiculous drop chance. That said I have made a group or to and the others have looted the form a couple times.