Im sure someone has had to over mentioned this before but I was thinking today it would be incredible if Blizz implemented the same form of customization to the base bear and cat forms as there is for your Dragon in dragonflight.
You would still have the static special forms such a fel werebear you could choose at the barber but for the base forms you could have so many other options to mix and match to make your own custom animal form. Eye color, eye type, fur color, fur style, size of the model, mane, piercings, claw colors, highlight colors, etc etc. and they could also add in ways to unlock more customization options just like with Dragons.
Since our forms are what we are in most of the time it would be really cool to personalize them further. More customization is never a bad thing.
I have a feeling we will get something like this sooner than later. It’s long overdue and they have put so much work into Allied Races and the Dracthyr. Would seem downright neglectful to wait much longer.
I’ve posted this elsewhere, but I will say it again here.
Let us, at the very least, customize what our forms are wearing. I love the Bear form from Ursoc… But I dont want to have bones all over me. We already know a no bone version exists too, because the no bone version is what the bears in Dragonflight use!
Let us add/remove/change the armor/trinkets from our forms. ;c
I wish Tauren Druids were Puma (Cougar) instead of lions… or at least the choice of it. There is like only 1 lion in Mulgore D: And Kalimdor has more Pumas than Lions anyways when it comes to that entire side of the map.
I’d even settle for the choice of just a lioness. Having a mane is a little awkward with a female druid.
like were bear is an alternate skin for Bear forum.
if a Dragon Skin was available for Bear form you wound not have to create an entire class to replicate the melee combat. you could get the visual fantasy of a Melee Tanking Dragon simply by giving Bears a Dragon skin. a Dragon model to use.
Bear and cat dont have very many options to customize their appearance, but having more options allows for more variation. a Dragon skin in a dragon skin is the perfect time to add one in.
I want my Moonkin form to be something like what Malfurion looks like right now.
Basically I want a more humanoind form for my Moonkin.
Like for example my Night Elves with feathers in the arms and antlers.
At this rate I’d take anything that is not a plump moon chicken
Gotta be so envious of Zandalari trolls for having a cooler looking form. And before they were released, I was hoping that Kul Tirans could get to have something more in like with this for Moonkin:
yet they just went all the way to just dress the old Moonkin model in wicker armor.
I remember that they told us that there was going to be moonkin costumizations! Hopefully this becomes true. Glyph of Stars is nice, but having a cool moonkin form would be even better tbh.
Man i would love to see some new druid forms available in trading post.
Would also love to see some new warebear colors. Blizzard shouldn’t be restricting an entire form to the legion expansion tbh, the colors should be restricted for those who played legion but the form itself should be available for every druid player to enjoy.
So i would like to see some more warebear forms in diff colors like the one we got from legion timewalking mage tower. Wish blizzard would add a dedicated design team for druids alone so each season we get a new limited form for keystone/glad achievement.
no. we dont NEED “Limited time” forms. the spec is already dry enough as it is for options.
If we could get persistant forms available each season with reasonable achivment requirements that could be obtained at any time in any future expansion, then that would be fine. but having more stuff that just gets locked away is not helpful in this case.
if we had 300 forms with ~1.6 Million possible combinations, then sure, it would be perfectly fine to have limited time options. but as it is. there isnt even a sizeable fraction of that.
if it was player HP, we’d be getting 1 shot by every person that swapped one shoulder item in a full tier set and made that a new combination.
we need more options that gets larger over time for everyone regardless of when they start playing a Druid.
tbh i completely agree with you. Unlike other weapons that are no longer obtainable, druid werebear farm is a like a completely new weapon (different animations), so it shouldn’t be locked out like that. While the colors can be exclusive to those that played legion, other colors should be introduced, atleast 1 per expansion.
Eitherway, i hope blizzard provides druids with more new forms in the coming patches. The elite pvp tmogs and mounts from keystone master achievements are rather pointless for us.
I know recolors are just the “easy way out”, but I’d love the skeleton being used for even more diversity. Like for example, use the werebear skeleton to make a treant-like tanking form (just like they used it in the infernal mount skeleton).