Druid flight travel form and Hearthstore

it is just a minor inconvenience, but hoping I can clean up this macro. The issue is that if you try to execute hearthstore when in flight travel form, you get an error (can’t use that ability while pacified) and it refuses. You first need to drop to regular form, then execute hearthstone. I made this and it’s 90% there as it seems to cause no issues elsewhere, but does require a double press when in flight travel mode. Can this be improved / dropped to a single press? Note: I am not sure if the cancelform line is quite right either but it seems to work. Also, I would ideally like to retain the default hearthstone icon.

#showtooltip Dalaran Hearthstone
/cancelform [stance:1/2/3/4/5]
/use Notorious Thread’s Hearthstone

#showtooltip Dalaran Hearthstone
/use Notorious Thread’s Hearthstone

Likely still be 2 presses due to race conditions.