Druid flight form is significantly slower (420%) than regular flying mounts (530%) in steady-flight mode.
Can’t tell if this is also the case in skyriding mode but that’d also be worth double checking.
(pst- druids want a separate toggle for flight form skyriding vs steady, if its possible)
Steady flight mode is 420% now, no idea where you’re getting 530% from
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Im getting 530% from an addon that reports my character movement speed as that.
Admittedly i’d just woken up from a nap and didn’t question that fact - could just be a bug with the addon, although flight does feels slower in form rather than mount - but that could just be because ive read the 2 numbers side by side… hmm
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530% speed for Steady Flight was added in TWW pre-patch.
I have reported this issue too yesterday.
No, 420% was added for pre patch, not 530%. That seems to be some addon numbering or something. Regardless, druid form may indeed be bugged, but the numbers used should be official values in a bug report, not add-on values. Though in this case it doesn’t matter, I’m sure.
Out of curiosity, what does this add-on report your dragonriding speed to be? If it’s clocking steady at 530%, then it should be clocking DR at like 1050% or so, yeah?
It is the flying + normal running speed.
Can also confirm that flight form is slower than a mount in steady form. Tried to tell in dragonriding but was difficult to tell but it felt like I was going slower. Tested it with a friend and he consistently outflew me. Checked again today and still bugged.
yeah steady flight form is 110% slower than mounted. skyriding flight is the same mounted or flight form.
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Whether it’s 530% or 420%, flight form is still 110% slower.
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it clocks skyriding at various speeds up to peaks of about 1400% slowing down when, well, i slow down.
It seems as if flight form and mounted skyriding are similar, just a shame that switching to flight-form after dismounting (or exiting form briefly) mid air loses almost all built up momentum
Still hoping to see flight form brought up to par with mounted flying.
I was also unhappy to discover that Flight Form was apparently overlooked when Blizzard upped the speed for normal flying in 11.0.0. Hopefully the minor patch tomorrow fixes this.
Just checked my druid alt. Flight Form is still using the old 420% flight speed value, whereas using a flying mount provides 530%. 
Still not fixed. My flight form in steady flight still at 420% while my mounted form is 520%
Edit: Sorry 410%
Why the hell is this not fixed yet? It’s like blizz is purposely killing druid flight form and making it not even worth morphing into. Druid flight form can’t even gather while in the air and have to be grounded now. Along with slower flight form than mounted speed, what’s the point???
Steady flight speed is not correct, also tww release has made it impossible to escape water in flight form.
Using the addon MonkeySpeed I can also confirm that druid flight form is 410% and mounted speed is 520%. Not sure if the addon is wrong or if this is the correct speed, but has anyone found any response about this from a dev, gm, or a community manager?
Blizzard just doesn’t care. To be clear, it is not just flight form being slower, some mounts are others not. No real logic to it. For me, with guild bonus flight form is 420% along with some mounts, the rest are 530%. It is interesting that Dracthyr soar under steady flight is 530%.
Druid is old speed 310% +100% normal movement
Mount is new speed 420%+100% normal movement+10% guild bonus
Is this intentional are druids taking a hit cause they are using personal spell rather than a mount to fly?