Druid Flight Form & Gathering?

Just checking. Can druids mine ores while in flight form? I know they can pick herbs.

Trying to decide if my second profession will be enchanting (for disenchants) or mining (for more support for ore-based professions).

No, cannot mine in flight form, never could.

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Okay, herbalism and (dis)enchanting, it is!


You automatically shift out to humanoid, but Flight is just a GCD away as opposed to everyone else’s mount (outside of a certain Engineering Mount).

You turn back to your humanoid for, but flight form is intant cast, so it’s still way better than other classes in that regard, is kinda like doing herbs, just pressing one button, you don’t waste any time farming it.

You’re right that shifting to flight form is still an improvement over having to remount, but the real glory of being able to herb in flight form is not having to deal with any mobs you might aggro.


But while mining you can also just leave combat with King of the Jungle (talent skill from feral spec) in case you get aggro and it’s just prowl and change back to flight :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: In Alliance with a NE you have two drop combat abilities so it’s not a major dropback, but yah, it’s true that just being in flight form is more convenient.

If you’re a Guardian druid and you’ve used Incap Roar as a means to disorient mobs while in stag/flight form to herb, be forewarned that Incap Roar now will automatically put you in Bear Form in Shadowlands.

When grounded (not able to fly), you could remain in Stag, herb, and travel on even after using disorient without loosing your non-combat movement buff by being in Stag form; however that’s no longer possible.

When not grounded (can fly), you could remain in bird form, herb, and fly off without having to ever engage the mob you disoriented; however that’s no longer possible and you’re going to have to kill the disoriented mob in order to fly away after picking the herb.

It’s unfortunate but it is what it is.

You cannot mine while in flight form. However, if you are in Lunarwing form, your passenger can mine without dismounting. I haven’t checked this with stag form. I’ll have to try it.

Edit to add: this works in stag form, too.

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I also tested with stirrups and even with that druids can’t mine in flight form (while others can). So my legion felslate farming toon is a pally tank (for daze prevention) with stirrups.

Interesting. I had no idea mining from Druid-back was a thing. =P

Neither was I. For so long I sent out profession-matched teams of 2 druids who either both mined or neither did. Then I was leveling a rogue with both mining and herbalism, only to find out she could mine druid-back without being dismounted or getting an error message.

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