Druid FCs are about to become really popular

I’m happy they did something, but I dont think it will have a huge impact on premades. It will just make it a little more annoying for them. AV is still going to be meta… unfortunately.

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Unfortunately I fear you’re right…

Thooooooo for me it does not really matter because I am polluting the points and breaking the back of WSG pre-mades… Not all of them but most of them…

Alliance druids exploiting scum.

I hope not my troll friend, I really hope not. The entire game would be better if WSG was the place to rank.

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Agreed, any only those who know they cannot cut it when they actually have to perform are sad at the idea of a WSG meta. There are far…far too many people at an inflated rank because they could just keyboard turn and click anonymously in the middle of a 40man blob and auto attack drek.

Nah. That’s just as bad as AV. It turns into a game of premades dodging each other and stomping on pugs all day. Pretty boring.

Best option is to just remove rank like they did near the end of vanilla and let all the gear be purchased via honor.

The best premades will roll over other premades as if they were pugs. But if we do live in a world where premade stomping exists, both sides should have the option to do it.

Blizzard will now have to fix the terrain exploits in WSG but yes Druid FC’s will be gods…
Blizzard , you want to watch lachey( unsure the spelling) run WSG he has all the terrain exploits wall jumps etc committed to memory.

Not disagreeing with your points, what I mean is it is a better theater for ranked combat. It also clears AV for people who love AV.

I’ve lived through that world. All that happens is the premades test each other. If the Ally team thinks its gonna be a rollover, they stay and win. If they think the Horde team is going to slow them down at all, they afk out and the match closes due to lack of players, sending horde back to queue again.

HPH minmaxers dont care one iota about game quality, fairness, or fun.

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This dude gets it at least

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If it becomes a big enough issue, then there has been a precedent that things can be changed for the health of the game.

This, I am hoping AV remains meta for all the min max rankers who don’t care about good or fun games.

And I’m hoping that we get AB soon. Bliz can hold the rewards back, doesn’t matter to me.

Then again I don’t care if I’m stuck at rank 5/6 forever, as long as the matches are fun.

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Move aside AV Paladins.

Its now Druids time to shine.

Absolutely about Druids…but Paladins REALLY shine in WSG and as a Druid you will LOVE them.

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You should have known, Allies can’t win a BG without shifty tactics.

Yea everyones best friend but no one is theirs… I get 1/3 to 1/4 the HK’s of anyone else in a WSG; which means i need to do multiple premades all with people that wont keep up with my rank to Rank 14

I didn’t think about druids earning less HKs- that’s rough.

The meta throughout classic up until now has been that there’s very little reason to bring a druid or play one. I’m not sure why anybody would be surprised that so few are playing the class.

You are looking for AV adjustments, nothing about it can be classified as a nerf.