This honestly makes me so jealous. These classes keep getting tons of cool features while I think the other classes are kind of left in the dust.
What about-
Warlock demon variants
Mage pet varients
Shaman ghost wolf and elemental varient
Dk pet varient especially with SL change
Paladin mounts (I mean kinda not complaining about this cause the legion varient are amazing)
Priest shadow form
(more customizations for other classes would be amazing too but I can’t think of any necessary for warriors, rogues, Dhs, monks)
Enslaving demons in general would be a dream, but at least color varient! As you said red observer or something simple like a green felhound. Something to help with transmogs. I mean you are using the felhound/observer 90% of the time anyway
Yes I know there are glyphs, but they are not very many and most are boring. Look at all the stuff druids and hunters are receiving, it’s amazing. Other classes deserve love as well